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2008 Trek 1.2 WSD Excellent Condition - $600

This bicycle is in excellent condition, it is practically brand new: as it has only been rode six or seven times. My wife tried riding and did not enjoy it. Computer installed and included, and could throw in clipless pedals. The bike retailed for $750, the frame is 54cm and all other specs can be seen here:

Have pictures upon request

2010-09-14 18:48:43

when you say "wife tried riding" do you mean that she was basically new to bicycling and was riding this bike as her intro to riding?

when you say "did not enjoy it" do you mean that she was not comfortable and at ease with the handling and geometry of the bike?

when you say "rode six or seven times" do you mean that she took it out around the neighborhood or to a trail a few times and felt uneasy with the bike and unsure of how to improve the ride so packed it in early?

or maybe you truly mean that she happened to buy a bike that maybe didn't quite fit her or suit her riding style or realized that her bum knee wasn't going to allow her to ride more than 15 miles at a go anymore.

::shrugs:: this ad just strikes me as someone who probably got matched up with the wrong bike for what they wanted to do and/or didn't know how to build up their riding skills.

I wish more people could avoid making the mistakes that put them off riding forever. Bike shopping is way harder than car shopping, but there's a lot less (reliable, unbiased) guidance for it.

All that said, sorry OP, it's late and I'm just kind of posting the rant and rhetorical questions in my head right now. Best of luck selling the bike. It looks like a fun ride to me :)

2010-09-15 02:50:52

good lord

2010-09-15 17:44:28

woohoo! Go Tabby!

(sorry elotus625, I'm sure someone will love to buy your bike, we just can't imagine anybody trying to ride and not liking it!)

2010-09-15 23:00:12

I'm with you, I still don't understand it...

2010-09-15 23:28:49

HUZZAH! Someone has fallen in love with it. The bike has been sold, and I can't figure out how to delete this topic.

2010-09-15 23:31:57

You can't.

2010-09-15 23:39:07

Perhaps in a different setting, Tabby's questions might be better received. I think it's an excellent summary of the sort of questions that run through my mind when I hear someone else say essentially the same thing: I bought a nice bike, tried it out, didn't like it, so it's for sale or giveaway. (with the trailing, unspoken thought that they're not likely, ever, to repeat this)

Whatever it takes to put 25 million more Americans on bicycles, yeah, do it. This question set is a major piece of that.

2010-09-16 09:55:11

for me, riding a bike is like eating chocolate. There are only three reasons not to be doing either one at any given time:

1) I'm asleep.

2) I'll get sick if I continue.

3) I'm saving up energy/room to do excessive amounts of it in the very near future (this is very difficult, because there's ALWAYS energy/room for more, thus see #1 and #2).

Luckily, the more chocolate I eat, the more I can bike, and the more I bike, the more chocolate I can eat.

elotus625 - I'm very glad the bike found a new owner, that's terrific! And I hope your wife tries again some time... Maybe she's more of a milk chocolate with peanuts person than dark chocolate with orange bits. Or whatever.

2010-09-16 12:59:23