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200K brevet this Saturday, 10/1/2011

A scenic meander through the north, designed to make the latter half of the route as flat as possible. (Note that I make no promises about the first half...)

Ride departs promptly at 7 AM in Shaler. We'll head out via Freeport to Creighton, then make our way to Butler via Sun Mine Rd and Saxonburg Rd. (A couple of Sheetz stops will be made along this leg.) Then, a long stretch (30-ish miles) skirting Cranberry with no services, followed by arrival in Rochester and the end of the real climbing. A quick jaunt out to Midland and back, then return to town via Aliquippa, Ambridge, Neville Island, etc.

This is a RUSA brevet, so will make use of controle cards and specific checkpoints. Also, various refreshments are usually made available at the beginning and end of the ride.

Here'e the official ride info, and an unofficial map of the route. Note the elevation profile.

2011-09-26 11:44:39

I think I'm doing this on the fixed gear. RIP me.

2011-09-29 00:02:36

G-man: doing it on the KHS or sumthin' else?

2011-09-29 00:44:15

I thought about single speeding it if I can make it, but my pace would probably be not all that fast

2011-09-29 01:41:24

BTW, if anyone is thinking about doing this but is anxious about getting left behind, just speak to me or Jim at the start...we'll make sure you've got a riding buddy. (In general, we try not to leave people for dead until they've gotten a couple of brevets under their belt. ;-) )

Also, forecast indicates it's likely to be a bit chilly, so I'd recommend a few layers (and a wind/water-resistant shell) that you can adjust.

Oh, yeah...and if you're planning on riding to the start at Jim's house, be aware that he lives on top of a decent hill...leave yourself a couple of extra minutes travel time to get there before the start.

2011-09-29 14:26:24

damnit... I've been meaning to get into this brevet business, but out of town this weekend.

2011-09-29 19:35:15

@dmtroyer: starting next March, there will be plenty of opportunities for 100K populaires, 200Ks, and a full brevet series up to and including a 1000K. Keep an eye on the Pittsburgh Randonneurs website.

2011-09-29 19:38:22

I would be in but I have plans so I'll be doing a big loop on Sunday. I'm all about the brevet series next year, especially if sheetz stops are regular.

2011-09-30 04:40:00

I'm doing a long open water swim on Sunday so exhausting myself on Saturday is a bad idea. I am looking forward to the not-cruel late Spring/Summer 200ks.

2011-09-30 11:33:55

Here's next year's tentative schedule:

Mar 31: Spring (AKA non-cruel) 200K

Apr 21: Spring 300K

Apr 28: 100K Populaire

May 12: Spring 400K

May 26: Spring 600K

Jun 16: AMCUP (Allegheny Mts Cruel and Unusual Punishment) 200K

Jul 14: 'Outbound' 200K

Jul 15: 'Inbound' 200K

Aug 3: 1000K

The July 14/15 back-to-back 200Ks will likely be from town to somewhere in Ohio this year.

And, we'll likely fill in an extra 200K or populaire or two throughout the year, but this is the overall plan.

2011-09-30 11:50:46

I'm hoping to keep my fitness up over the winter to survive the Mar 31 ride. I'll do the populaire unless it's cruel. Very interested in the out-and-back -- glad to see that return since I never made it to Erie. Hoping my tri schedule doesn't conflict with these or my volunteering at the 1kk.

Thanks Dan and Jim for organizing! Have a great ride Saturday.

2011-09-30 12:45:13

Tom - no, I'm using the bike with fenders and big tires and bottle braze-ons. My masochism has its limits!

2011-10-01 00:40:29

Sorry to say I couldn't attend. Hope everything is going well.

2011-10-01 17:58:22

Meh. I hope things are going well for Jim and Dan G...I bailed after 30-ish miles and rode back via Saxonburg, 'cause my cough was starting to hurt my lungs. My first official DNF.

BTW, the weather truly sucks today.

2011-10-01 19:12:56

kudos to you guys for even starting in this crud. My swim tomorrow just cancelled. :(

Dan, hope you feel better soon.

2011-10-01 21:43:21

This was pretty rough but still a good time. Would have been really fun if the weather was sunny and 60º as it was expected to be a week ago - however, it only hit 50º for a few minutes, supposedly, and was rainy from 8 until finishing at 5:30. Nothing really exciting to report other than wearing my legs out on the hilly portion and then trying to climb the last of the sharp climbs seated, because my back wheel would spin out on the wet asphalt if I put my weight over the bars... sad to admit I ended up walking once.

Definitely a character-builder, and enjoyable in its own way, but those of you who weren't able do it shouldn't feel too much regret. Get well soon, other Dan!

2011-10-01 23:12:58