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2012 Trek Gary Fisher Marlin 29er Platinum 21" Stolen in Polish Hill

Has a cheap Bell LED Beam light and an Incredibell attached to the handlebar, a red blinky on the seatpost, a black kickstand, and a waterbottle and cage on the down tube. It was attached with a cable lock to a tree across the street from Lili Coffee Shop on Dobson – the thief cut the cable. Stolen Sunday, January 29, 2012 sometime between 6:30 am and 9:00 pm. I just bought it brand new four days earlier! Any help in recovering it would be greatly appreciated.¤t=CameraZOOM-20120128163223307.jpg

2012-01-31 01:14:07

That sucks, man. I have a 2012 Marlin as well, I love mine (well except the pogostick "fork").

Just for future reference, cable locks are near useless. I'd never ever ever use a cable lock to lock a bike in public.

Good luck on your search, I'll keep my eyes peeled.

2012-01-31 01:30:31

ask a mod to remove the sn from your post. this could allow someone else to lay claim to it. hopefully you get it back. also when you recover or replace it, get a u-lock.

2012-01-31 05:52:28

I have only used a cheap 1/4 inch cable and lock for most of my life. The only bike I had stolen was not locked. Of course, I do not leave it overnight outside and usually do lock it in what seem like pretty safe (at least well travelled) areas.

An exception to the rules though.

2012-01-31 17:26:15

@saints and poets - you may have already done this, but let the Polish Hill Civic Assoc know about your loss. They keep a blog and a facebook page and you might get more eyes looking for your bike in the neighborhood. cburch's advice about not sharing the serial # is good - you could ask one of the people who moderates this forum to take that out of your original post.

sorry for your loss - that's a sweet bike! Sometimes they do turn up again!

2012-01-31 17:31:02

i'm happy to edit your post, just let me know. don't want to edit without permission

2012-02-01 18:48:53

Terry at the Polish Hill Civic Association has already been a big help. He scanned through the recordings of the Brerton security camera for that day, but didn't see anything unusual. They must have gone the other way.

I have renter's insurance, but I'm not sure how much or even if they will cover the loss just yet.

Thanks to all for your sympathy and advice.

2012-02-02 21:03:33

...Defintitely a U-Lock next time!

2012-02-02 21:08:02

Out of curiosity, did you buy it from a bike shop or just from an individual?

Seems like the bike community needs to get shops up to speed on the abject uselessness of cable locks as well. I haven't bought a bike from a shop recently, but I would hope that with a bike purchase they (strongly) recommend accessories also, helmet, ulock, blinky, pump, lube, etc. Those are basic necessities.

2012-06-27 11:07:58

top, to keep it next to the other thread

2012-06-27 16:22:10

@edmonds59 - Ive bought 3 bikes within the past 2-3 years. Ant not once has the store ever suggested anything about locks/safety.

2012-06-27 16:31:55

Just anecdotal evidence, but I've definitely seen Bob at Iron City insist on lights and U-locks and helmets, or at least try to. It seems to be a hard sell with a lot of the students who come into that shop. Sometimes if they are insisting on a cable lock he will pull out an old one and some bolt cutters to demonstrate how long it takes to steal a bike locked with a cable lock. (...Not long.)

2012-06-27 16:49:29

Bob is awesome.

2012-06-27 17:35:58

I think cable locks may be on the "List of Things We Do Not Believe in or Sell" at thick. If they aren't I'm going to bug Chris about it.

2012-06-27 20:25:05

Another potential idea could be to just put the cost of the U-Lock into the purchase price of the bike and waive it if the customer already has one

2012-06-27 20:32:25

Seems like the smaller stores do a better job at helping you protect your investment - big surprise there. When I moved to Pittsburgh, I didnt know about the little guys. Bought at the big shops and they were relatively unhelpful.

Luckily, just from walking around the city, I had seen enough front wheels left dandling from racks to realize that a good lock was a smart purchase.

2012-06-28 17:53:28