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29th and Liberty intersection story

Some of my co-workers have been working hard to get the intersection outside of our office improved and they got a story on the news today. They even used some of my photos of the poor crosswalk sign that was abused and destroyed by the traffic. :)

Check out the story, I think they did a pretty good job.

2009-07-16 00:52:06

I love this intersection. Cars are all doing 50 here.

I saw that sign once all the way up near fed ex in the side street that connects to sassafras.

2009-07-16 02:03:36

Can we get the Pedestrian Czar to get the city police's "yield to peds" sting going at that intersection? Preferably at either 8 AM or 5 PM.

Though I have a fantasy of something reminiscent of a dog track. You know, where the fake rabbit runs along a rail and all the dogs chase it? I'd like to see a rail in the crosswalk that periodically gets a crash-test-dummy pedestrian trotting through it at a walking pace. Only it is filled with concrete. Call it a "pop driving test". After all, we have fire drills, why not driving drills?

2009-07-16 02:48:22

The sign is still at that intersection steevo.

There was another accident two days ago and I think that was the last straw for my co-worker. A woman leaving the medical office with her baby had her car totaled by an SUV.

2009-07-16 12:24:57

I lived up on Polish Hill for years, and hated walking to the Strip because of this intersection. A toddler and an infant in a stroller were not easy to maneuver through that area. Maybe an over or underpass would be in order there, similar to the one under Bigelow at Heron.

2009-07-16 14:13:43

someone should apply for a sprout fund grant to hand out free pizza to motorists at that intersection as an alternative means of traffic calming.

2009-07-16 14:24:02

The extra traffic it caused would just piss them off even more.

2009-07-16 15:01:02

ugh waiting for a bus at any of those intersections along liberty in the strip is the WORST. barely any room and cars speeding like crazy. hate it.

2009-07-16 15:52:37