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45 or 47 road bike frames

i'm small and since my bike was stolen i'm looking into building a new bike. i've started looking for bike frames online so far and it's a tough thing to search because i need such a small size. i was wondering if anyone could suggest any specific brand that might make something this small. i like more plain looking frames, none of that fancy sporty decorative stuff. price is a factor, but i do want to get something decent as well if possible.


2009-12-12 23:28:24

i said this before and i don't know if the person looked into it... but worth a try i think:

i can't really tell what size this bike actually is but I was trying to find an excuse to buy it... you could probably talk him down a bit if it fits you.

it actually sounds like your old bike kind of... 24" wheels and all that jazz

2009-12-12 23:31:00

Surly and Redline make frames in that size.

2009-12-12 23:39:55

are you looking to build up from just a frame? or are you looking for something a bit more complete?

2009-12-13 01:36:57

Sellwood Cycle in Portland has an online consignment shop. Yes, you'd have to pay for shipping, but they have several complete bikes in your size range.

2009-12-13 02:29:58

hi there. i'm a lady who rides something around a 47, too. i recently got a surly long haul trucker frame to build as a touring bike, but i also looked at soma (i think these are simple and very pretty) and jamis frames.. they all make small sizes. so does bianchi, which is my single-speed frame (a san jose).

good luck!

2009-12-13 03:19:15

thanks everyone for your helpful suggestions.

erok, to answer your question, i'd ideally like to build it up from the frame. I really enjoyed building my first bike and half the fun to me is building the bike myself again. maybe that's stupid, but i think it's a great way for me to learn about bikes. plus, i don't have enough money to buy all the components right away, i'm hoping to get a frame and then, slowly over the winter months collect the other stuff i need little by little, money permitting. i also have some friends who have a bunch of components i can probably use.

i'm gonna go to kraynicks on monday and see what he has, but i've started looking into the brands you guys have suggested as well.

thanks again for the help!

2009-12-13 04:02:45

IRO makes one called the Mark V Pro HD . Its made for shorter riders and IRO rocks, in my opinion.

2009-12-14 17:33:24