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81 People on 12 Bridges

Whoa! I never expected that many people to show up and sign up. I know there were several people who didn't sign up, so I think the total number of riders was close to 90.

Thanks for joining. If you were on the ride and took pictures, send 'em to me. I have none.

Also, if you were on the ride and have a suggestion for managing such a large group, please give me your ideas. Lucia and I are looking for a couple volunteers to help corral the riders and/or sweep during the Zoom the Tombs ride next Sunday.

2010-08-07 19:37:51

Could you post details for Zoom the Tombs? Thx!

2010-08-07 19:52:56

I would've gone had I not been so destroyed from Midnight Mass last night.... wish I coulda made it

2010-08-07 20:18:14

That was me that rode by and kept going. I prefer smaller rides.

There really is no way for one person to manage such a large group; the only thing to do is split it.

2010-08-07 23:56:49

That was a realy good ride, the turnout was great. People seemed to manage the last minute change to running in reverse pretty well. I had several delightful micro-chats with different people. It was worth it to hit the I made it market at the end. The people that made the tamales should be at the end of every ride ever.

A group ride of any size is going to split itself up naturally no matter what. I suppose if you had 4 or 5 people who know the route, arrange beforehand for one to go with each subgroup as the ride splits up, then within each natural subgroup, encourage people to stop occasionally to bunch up and wait and watch for each other. That might work. Rides seem to work best when they get down to little sub-groups of, I don't know, 10 to 12.

2010-08-08 02:25:27

On my solo dash from McCandless to Oakland, I found myself being joined by about 10 cyclists as I crossed the 40th Street Bridge about 12:45p. The only one I recognized in a hurry was Marko82. I knew there was a huge crowd riding but didn't know you had split into groups. Still, it always feels better crossing a bridge with a crowd.

2010-08-09 13:31:54