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A great Problem

I had yesterday off since work has been slow and I took the time to do a little riding, something that I have done all to little of this summer. To many things have conspired to steal what little time I have to ride away from me.

So it was with no little excitement that I got on my bike and headed to town. My goal was to run a few errands and end up at the BeeHive for lunch. When I got into town I ran into a small problem.

No where to park.

every bike rack I could find was filled, and many were overflowing with bikes being locked up to railings, trees and signs nearby. I eventually found a place to lock my bike but I have to admit this is one problem I like having.

The same thing happened on the southside as well. I'm used to riding around the southside looking for a place to park in a car, but not when I'm on a bike.

2011-08-05 13:31:46

Ha, ha, cool!

2011-08-05 13:44:49

That is beautiful, thank you for sharing :D

2011-08-05 14:36:02

I'd 311 it. I doubt anything will actually happen as a result, but if they hear this enough times, something might.

2011-08-06 02:31:58