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A simple plan for free or very cheap parking walking distance to openstreets?

I'm meeting my ex there, and she's wondering where to park, which of course I don't know because I'm always on a bike when downtown and usually when in the east end generally. I'd assume the Lawrenceville end would be easier than the downtown end, right? The more specific the recommendation, the better.
2015-06-24 11:52:10
I think it depends on the time. Street parking will be free, but you'd want to plan it that you stayed on one side of the corridor or the other. At the last open streets event I found parking on Penn Avenue, somewhere between 34th and 40th. It was a quick 2 block (or so) walk to the event.
2015-06-24 12:23:27
10th street parking is free on weekends and usually have plenty of free space and it connected to the jail trail.
2015-06-24 12:56:29
So, the lot you you detour through in winter when they're not clearing the jail trail?
2015-06-24 13:03:46
Park in Millvale by the boat launches, walk or bike over the 40th St Bridge on the upstream sidewalk.
2015-06-24 13:10:04
I'm not that much of a parker, but Smallman & Railroad and their trubutaries might be an option, especially on a Sunday. But you likely would want to be closer to the denser bits. So maybe the parking garage is good idea. In L'ville the side streets might have the spaces. Or take the bus :-) But more generally, there's all those surface parking lots in the Strip that are empty on the weekends. Could not the owners show support for the event by opening up for free? It's not like they'd be losing revenue... they'd be gaining goodwill.
2015-06-24 22:03:49
What about those riding their bikes to Open Streets who are volunteering? Where can I park my bike? Could I keep it with me at my designated intersection? Will there be valet bike parking? Any cost to it?
2015-06-26 08:55:12
I volunteered at the last one. I took my bike with me to my intersection. There happened to be a single rack on one of the corners at my intersection so I locked up there. Depending on where you're stationed I imagine you wouldn't have to look far to find a place to lock your bike. Would not recommend just trying to keep an eye on it without locking, even if it's right nearby. You'll have a lot of distractions!
2015-06-26 09:03:00
depending on what intersection you'll be at, i'd bring an adjunct cable--many, especially at the lawrenceville end, don't have proper bike racks nearby, but there are plenty of telephone poles and streetlight standards... as for parking a car: any of the side streets that are closed off at penn/butler, you should be able to park on. i imagine frankly your options are going to be limited more by what direction you're coming from (and what thereby will be more convenient to get to) than much of anything else. someone should call the teamsters and ask if there'll be any parking available on the giant surface lot behind their building (Butler & 47th)....
2015-06-26 16:40:48