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Almost struck by a PAT bus Thursday evening

Traveling in the Liberty bike lane away from town in between Gross and S. Winebiddle doing around 15-20 mph when a PAT bus passes me then immediately begins to turn into me to drop off a passenger. He had not completely passed me yet and I had to slam on my brakes and was able to slap the side of the bus.

I let the passenger get off the bus and confronted the driver calmly explaining to him that he almost hit me. He drove off mumbling something I couldn't hear. I caught up to him at Baum, took a photo of the back of the bus and just called PAT to register a complaint.

After hearing of the horrific accident last night involving a PAT bus I decided I couldn't just let this go.

I was riding out of the way and at a reasonable speed and he could have either slowed and waited, or pulled in front and just not turned into the bike lane.

I also registered a 311 complaint about the Liberty Ave bike lanes being washed off.

2009-05-22 16:42:19

sorry to hear that. i know everyone is going to say that calling won't do anything, but i really think that if they get enough calls when this stuff happens, they will be do something about it in terms of training, etc. it's in the port authority's best interest that no one gets hurt too.

way to be proactive about it.

2009-05-22 16:46:23

Ryan, please send this complaint to Steve Bland as well:

He's the CEO and invited cyclists to email him with their concerns.

2009-05-22 16:50:01


Anyone hear any more about the accident on Forbes and Murray last night?

2009-05-22 17:08:16

It's best to take as much caution as possible when riding, you can never trust another driver, you can however trust yourself in making the right decision, a bike is way more maneuverable at turning than a car ever will.

I've took several hits on my bike by cars, the most recent; a random intoxicated driver purposely ran into me, however i took no damage because I pulled swiftly enough to the right where the side of his bumper would hit the side of my front tire lifted my leg up and rolled away from the hood. When this happens I typically try to bunny hop onto the hood, but I suggest not doing so, I'm still young and I ride BMX.

2009-05-22 17:12:36

one article i saw said he had lots of bumps and bruises. another said the injuries are not life threatening, but that's so ambiguous as to mean nothing. a friend said he was there slightly afterward, and saw the guy get up and walk around, but they still put him on the board and whisked him to the hospital.

2009-05-22 17:47:45

Sorry to hear about this. Being cut off by buses is SO frustrating (not to mention dangerous), and is precisely the reason I stopped using Liberty to get in and out of downtown.

I try to avoid cycling on bus routes wherever possible, however it's just not feasible to completely bypass them. So occasionally - if space is really tight - I ride in the middle of the lane 'til the road widens, so that the bus doesn't have space to overtake. I did this on a section of Penn last week, and the driver laid on his horn behind me for about a mile, lol. I'm aware it's not ideal to block part of the road like that, but I'm honestly not sure what else to do in this situation. It's either this, or get forced off the road entirely.

I heard about the cyclist being hit. Too scary. I have to try not to think about that kind of thing, or I'll be too freaked out to go back out on the road :(

2009-05-22 19:22:36

+1 On what Catherineskii said. I avoid bus routes when possible and take the lane when I can't.

People say it doesn't do any good to call Port Authority because it doesn't. I reported a hit and run in 2005 and it went no where. The local cops couldn't do anything either.

2009-05-22 19:38:02

I try to avoid cycling on bus routes wherever possible, however it's just not feasible to completely bypass them. So occasionally - if space is really tight - I ride in the middle of the lane 'til the road widens, so that the bus doesn't have space to overtake. I did this on a section of Penn last week, and the driver laid on his horn behind me for about a mile, lol. I'm aware it's not ideal to block part of the road like that, but I'm honestly not sure what else to do in this situation. It's either this, or get forced off the road entirely.

while maybe not ideal, it's about the only thing you can do at times. whenever i feel that it'd be unsafe for a driver to pass me, i just take the lane and make sure they can't. i always make sure i move over and slow down a bit when there's room, though (also: why won't they just speed up and pass? why do they have to move so slowly to pass that i'm about to hit the next parked car before they're out of the way?).

i'm pretty sure buses are number two behind pickup trucks on my list of things that nearly kill me most frequently.

2009-05-22 19:50:00

I heard about a guy who was riding his bike down a street. Next thing you know another person in a car was coming pass then opened his car door which slammed the person on the bike, the person on the bike was very fortunate to be alive.

2009-05-22 21:04:35

I have to say that generally, I find the 500 route drivers tend to be a little better, but I usually meet up with them between Centre and the Seminary where Highland Ave. widens considerably.

2009-05-22 21:29:40

those busses! i think if a particular driver gets some complaints involving cyclists, when they finally hit a cyclist, at least there'll be a record of aggressive driving. i've had plenty of those exact situations. my buddy 'stick' was pinched and the back wheel of the bus caught his pedal, he was flipped onto the road and the bus driver only stopped when a young woman confronted him and made him stop! the bus driver then berated the passenger on the bus and brought her to tears. the port authority police came and didn't do anything. some of those drivers have serious road rage issues.

2009-05-22 21:49:50

Reporting any bus-related complaint: You need the number of the bus (not the route number though that helps), the location, the direction, and time of day. That allows them to figure out who the driver was.

Use the website rather than the phone:

From the menu at

1) Hover over "Company Info"

2) Move down to "Contact Information"

3) Move over and down to "Complaints"

Since you won't have the driver's payroll number ("Operator Number"), just use "0000" or "9999". The number of the bus is what's going to do it for you, under "Vehicle Number".

4) "What is your complaint about?" Use Employee complaint.

5) "Route number". It helps if you have it, but you can put in "XXXX"

For "Incident Description" stick to the facts and leave out the invective.

You will get an automated email right away, and should get a follow-up email, maybe even a phone call, in about a day or so.

Document, document, document!

2009-05-22 22:51:21

After hearing of the horrific accident last night involving a PAT bus I decided I couldn't just let this go.

anyone have a link to a newspaper article about this?

2009-05-23 03:26:06

Hi I'm the cyclist who was hit on Thursday night. I just got home from the hospital and figured I should let people know I'm alive--my friends told me folks on the bike pgh forum were asking about me.

I am typing this with one hand because my left arm is in a splint. My left humerus suffered a compound fracture and was broken in four places. I went through over ten hours of surgery just to get put back together.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for all your concern. If you're interested I can tell you more details about the accident (I had the right of way, was visible, and it was 100% the driver's fault).


2009-05-25 21:15:42

wow. glad to know you're ok

hopefully some of the resources that were posted will help you out

keep us updated on the outcome. also, if you need any help, feel free to contact us!

get well!

2009-05-25 21:44:50

If you're interested I can tell you more details about the accident (I had the right of way, was visible, and it was 100% the driver's fault).

Sure, let's hear the long version. It sounds like the driver was identified? PAT is paying for your arm (and your bike) I hope?

2009-05-26 01:18:09

Reddale, I wish you a fast recovery. Glad to hear you're OK.

2009-05-26 03:23:50

damn reddale, i was hoping it wasn't that bad of a hit. glad to hear you're alive.

my friends dad is a retired PAT driver and he hates cyclist. i have a feeling that when all the drivers are at the base they sit around and high five each other for nearly killing us. i'm not joking. i think we should get someone on the inside and document the sentiment.

2009-05-26 12:24:29

reddale, glad to hear you made it. Would like to hear the story as well.

2009-05-26 14:01:00

Aaaaach! Speedy recovery reddale. I've known for years about PAT driver's disregard for the safety of cyclists. How's about some details so the rest of us can avoid having our arm broken in four places...

2009-05-26 14:45:51

Man. Heal up quick...typing the long version can wait until your arm gets better.

2009-05-26 14:53:55

Glad to hear that you are relatively ok, Reddale. Best of luck with the recovery.

Just a word of caution, however, in regard to posting your story. Do not post anything that you would not want to have appearing in court or on an insurance report. It certainly sounds like PAT's insurance will be involved, and I am certain that this thread will get attention from both ends.


2009-05-26 17:54:20

that's good advice. i like the idea of PAT's insurers looking this stuff up and seeing how poorly their drivers treat cyclists.

2009-05-26 18:43:46

Hey guys. Thanks for all the kind wishes. I'm feeling much better, though still typing with one hand. I had been worried about sharing too many details of the accident because of the potential effect on seeking compensation in the future. After today, I'm not so worried.

I was riding home on Thursday night at about 930 on murray (coming from wilkins and heading toward giant eagle, forward, etc). As I approached the intersection with forbes, there was oncoming traffic going straight and the light was green as I entered the intersection. (I have led blinkers on the front and back, and this is a well-lit, pedestrian-heavy intersection.) Before I had time to brake or swerve, the oncoming bus turned left, in front of me (wtf?!).

I remember my front wheel hitting the front of the bus, and then my head bouncing off the windshield. Next, I remember lying on my stomach in a pool of blood. I could tell my left arm was seriously f-ed, and there was WAY too much blood all over my face. I remember giving people my contact info, riding in the ambulance and thanking the paramedics, who looked at me in disbelief, and demanding to call my girlfriend before I went into surgery.

Now I've been out of the hospital for a few days. We went to the port authority police station today to pick up my thrashed bike. I had been extremely dubious, at first to hear that the pat police were investigating. Doesn't that seem like a conflict of interest to anyone else? But the two officers I talked to were great and instilled me with confidence. One said that, although they get paid by port authority, they take the same oath as every officer, and are out to do what is right. That made me feel a lot better. They also said that I was hit by a newer bus, which carries a front-facing black box camera. The cops looked at the footage and saw the green light, me with my blinker, and everything exactly as I described above. I smashed the windshield of the bus with my head/left arm, and one cop said I almost ended up inside the bus (instead I landed 10-15 ft away).

So it looks like I have a rock-solid case against pat. Now…I just call edgar snyder. Hope I didn't bore you guys. And remember kids, wear your helmet because mine saved my life.


2009-05-28 10:21:54

"And remember kids, wear your helmet because mine saved my life."

Good advice. No matter how good of a rider you think you are there are people out there who aren't as good at driving.

Glad to hear there will be no debate on what happened because of the camera.

2009-05-28 13:51:44

I had been extremely dubious, at first to hear that the pat police were investigating. Doesn't that seem like a conflict of interest to anyone else?

i always wondered that myself.

it's good to know that there is a black box camera on the buses too.

a couple of weeks ago, i thought that a bus was going to try that on me when i was flying down fifth avenue into downtown. It's a slight downhill, so i had some speed, and this bus was hinting that she was going to turn left in front of my path. I shook my head, and she started inching out, sorta threateningly, i think to scare me. as i passed, she gunned it, and stuck her tongue out at me.

very professional.

2009-05-28 15:21:01

It's not only unprofessional, but sort of proves a point that a lot of drivers seem to think that games like that are OK, and that they won't seriously injure someone someday.

2009-05-28 15:43:03

Unprofessional? How about criminal?

That bus is a deadly weapon. She threatened you with it. Same as pulling a gun on someone. Even if you don't intend to use it, it is still a criminal offense.

2009-05-28 15:54:59

get well soon reddale. and thanks for sharing your story. i got banged up by a bus last year and know how bad it sucks. wishing you a full recovery! and good luck with your case. seems rock solid to me.

2009-05-28 20:18:28

i'd be curious to know...

what's the percentage of bus on bike/pedestrian/car accidents. i know at least 4 people who have been hit by busses while riding there bikes. now if there's way more cars on the street, why do my friends keep getting hit by busses and not cars? hmmm.

2009-05-28 22:13:08

there are certainly bus drivers that are out to cause cyclists pain... the worst time i was forced into parked cars twice by the same driver, unfortunately i lost my cool while trying to talk to him a bit further down and flipped all his mirrors around, otherwise i would have lodged a complaint... he did it unprovoked and possibly accidentally the first time, but the second time it was completely intentional

2009-05-29 04:59:36

This thread has given me the idea of mounting a camera to the front of my bike and riding around the city for a couple of weeks, filming my interactions with buses/cars/other traffic. I bet I could patch together a verrrrry interesting little movie...

2009-05-29 13:02:53

this morning i was on neville heading towards fifth, and there was a bus in front of me. there was a red light, and the cars in the left turn lane were backed up a little, and the bus couldn't fit into the right turn lane. so, instead of waiting there, the driver decides to take half the bus onto the sidewalk to squeeze by, only to wait at the red light. what a jag.

2009-05-29 15:19:54

haha. that reminds me of something i saw a few years ago. i was in a car on carson street facing west, waiting at the light to turn right across the smithfield street bridge. it was clearly marked no turn on red, so i just waited for the light to change. the bus behind me wasn't having it, so he pulled around me in the left lane and turned right in front of me. ha. some people, you know?

2009-05-30 00:12:41

oh, and this morning (non-bus-related), i was flying down up murray through the business area, coming up to the forbes intersection. the light changed to yellow, and i slammed on the brakes as i moved to the right. i thought maybe i could get through, but i wasn't chancing it, especially since i had just seen a cop get into a civilian car a block back. so it wasn't a very difficult stop. i had enough time.

good thing i got over, though, cuz said cop came flying by and turned left through the red light about three seconds after it had changed. i mean, he had to know how unsafe that is in squirrel hill, especially that intersection.


2009-05-30 00:15:32

That's why I support red-light cameras ( though I think the fines should be adjusted to something like $0.05/ms post-signal change, x2 if there's anyone else waiting at the intersection, x20 if there is an accident).

2009-05-31 23:21:08

Get well soon Reddale, i had not heard about this until the GF and I were having coffee in front of Kiva han and your wife and lil baby walked by, she saw our helmets on the table and said "Im so happy to see that you guys wear helmets!" and told us the story. Since then we have been extra extra cautious around buses.

I really hope that driver and PAT get some punishment/education out of your misfortune, the idea that your family could have lost you because some a-hole driver couldnt wait 4 seconds makes me sick.

Any ghost bike plans for forbes and murray?

2009-06-01 14:10:45

Robert Clark, 59, an authority employee since 1994, was cited for careless driving and failure to yield in a May 21 collision with a bicyclist at Forbes and Murray avenues in Squirrel Hill.

there are others who got cited as well

2009-06-16 13:53:43

The article is better than nothing, but the passive voice confuses me - who is doing the "citing" of the drivers? The police? or is this some internal PAT thing? And what are the practical consequences of the citation? A fine or points, or...?

I mean, saying that somebody "has been cited" is just not saying much of substance at all, it seems to me.

(This is directed at the article, not you, erok.)

2009-06-16 13:58:53

Interesting. All except for the bus rolling backwards could have been avoided.

2009-06-16 14:02:21

they must teach you in journalism school to use passive voice whenever writing about "accidents"

2009-06-16 14:35:36

Reddale, I hope the injuries are healing nicely. Be sure to actually all the PT they offer. It will make all the difference down the road.

As for bus drivers, I think the drivers coming out of the ross Garage have gotten better - on average - over the past year or two. I seem to have fewer negative interactions with them these days. But, that might just be luck.

2009-06-16 14:39:28

Chinston, I think it may be time for an editorial...

2009-06-16 16:21:57