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And on the other side of Alabama, Philadelphia police kill a cyclist.


Police say an officer shot and killed an armed bicyclist following a violent struggle in west Philadelphia.

Lt. John Stanford says two officers tried to stop the cyclist shortly before midnight Sunday in connection with an earlier traffic incident, in which they later discovered he was not involved.

Police said the man fled but fell off his bicycle between two parked cars, then produced a handgun.

A violent struggle ensued as the officers tried to get the gun away from him, but he refused to surrender the weapon.

Stanford says one officer then drew his weapon and fired as many as three times.

The 35-year-old man was pronounced dead at the scene. His name has not been released pending notification of relatives.

uninformed guess: RWB?

EditToAdd: confession of cynical bias: two cops (in uniform? a 99-car?) engage a guy on the street at 1130pm. Guy keeps moving. (hello, jordan miles)

One cop shoots three times. Dead bicyclist. Oops. Hey we thought he was in this afternoon's traffic snafu, we wuz wrong. Oohh look, the body dropped a gun.

It is awful cold out there.

Interested in hearing: Uniformed cops in a marked car? Video camera? Other witnesses?

Sorry, probably a bit off-topic for the forum.

2012-11-14 16:01:17

Doesn't mention whether or not he was wearing a helmet.

2012-11-14 16:07:56