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Ankle pain

So, I've noticed with the rain these past two days that when I get off of my bike, my right ankle hits the ground first (same as always), and I get extreme pain on impact - like there's needles in the ball of my ankle. Usually, I chalk it up to the rain, and it goes away in a few seconds, but today, it won't go away. An hour later, it still feels like needles.

Am I landing on the ground wrong? Or is this something I should have looked at?

Sheldon's site doesn't list this specific kind of pain...

2011-10-02 22:49:05

RF, I'd ice it frequently & take ibuprofen & try to give it a rest for a few days. If it's still there in a week, see someone. Ankling seems to be achilles specific, and by ball of ankle, I'm thinking it's some other connective tissue. Is it on the inside or outside of your ankle? Both?

2011-10-03 03:59:03

I definitely had an issue with my Achilles tendon before, had cleats too far up on the shoe before the ms 150 and had soreness and sharp pains in the Achilles tendon for over 2 weeks afterward. Adjusting cleat position solved the issue for me.

Funny thing is, due to the impact of walking, it was easier to ride a bike than walk while this was going on.

2011-10-03 13:32:56


Going thru that right now, been having some knee pain after riding with a pannier that my heel kept hitting so I moved my foot and rode 25 miles that way. didnt ride in today since it was rather wet this morning and my knee hurts more while walking than while riding.

2011-10-03 16:57:35

FYI, if you decide to have it checked out, if possible, get an appointment at the Lawrenceville Family Health Center--that office has UPMC sports medicine docs on staff several days a week. I recently went there to have shoulder pain diagnosed, and they were quite helpful.

2011-10-03 17:34:33


If you use clips or cleats, you might want to stop using them a bit until this clears up. Then maybe do some work or get some advice on fitting properly. For example, Red Dan once posted a pedal shaft extension for people (like myself) that are duck footed. I'll probably get a couple of those even though I rarely clip in.

You might try doing some regular walking for exercise to strengthen your ankle - won't be any immediate help, but might help prevent the recurrence.


I imagine ankling to be useless (or close to it) and possibly harmful if used with clips or cleats.

On the other hand, I use some ankling with platforms and it helps.

2011-10-03 19:43:23

I don't think I'm ankling... though I notice some pain today (it's always on the inside) when pedaling on flat ground - my foot was at an odd angle on the pedal (toes pointing inward, toward the bike, heel outward). It was somewhat difficult to regain a normal position.

I don't use clips or cleats, the idea of potentially being stuck to the bike if my body goes flying (and it has) is pretty scary.

I won't be able to rest it until Sunday, unfortunately, as I need to get to and from work - however, I can take a few days off when I go on vacation in Ohio next week.

2011-10-03 20:19:34