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Another Cyclist Killed

Found this over at

it seems strange to me that within 24 hours they were able to say it was the cyclist fault and not the driver's even though they never got a chance to talk to the cyclist before he died.

2010-07-29 13:28:22

That is terrible.

Anyone who has ridden a bike knows what likely *really* happened here. In any case, isn't it the overtaking vehicle's responsibility to avoid the vehicle they are overtaking?

As I was making the left onto Beeler last night, a car gunned its engine and roared by me on the left before we even finished the turn. It was a cop - well at least he gave me a decent margin... Just the kind of dumb crap that happens every day, until that one time the driver f*s it up and kills you. Oops... of course I meant until that one time you ride into the side of the car and kill yourself - what was I thinking?

2010-07-29 18:10:23

While I was looking for more information on the Swinburne accident, I came across another fatal accident in Florida this morning. The story is all too familiar:

"The 27-year-old driver was making a left turn and apparently didn't see Collins. No charges have been filed, but the investigation is continuing."

2010-07-29 19:00:25

It's absolutely ridiculous that "I didn't see him" is any kind of defense unless it's nighttime and he wasn't lit.

2010-07-29 19:09:43

Dan, sorry to hear about your friend.

2010-07-29 19:59:05

this is getting out of control. I realize that since it is summer there are more people riding but it seems like everyday I hear about another cyclist getting tagged. saw a rider almost get creamed by a burgundy suv on penn in town while I was waiting for the bus. I thought the guy was going to get off his bike and throw it thru the windshield.

I don't know about you but I get pretty tense just getting on my bike

2010-07-30 02:11:35