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anyone have a 60 or 62 cm surly cross check?

I had my bike smashed up in an accident back in October. I can't fix it until some insurance dork looks at it, and that doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon (I wonder if it takes this long to get your car fixed?). Anyway, my broken bones are healed, and I want to get out and enjoy the warm weather on a bike.

I've only ever owned mountain bikes, and I'm interested in buying a surly cross check, but from what I read online, sizing can be tricky for surlys. I called some bike shops in PGH and I got various responses ranging from "sorry we can't help you test ride one, but we will be happy to special order it for you" to "we aren't going to order a bike just for you to ride around the block so it can sit here" (great way to talk to a potential customer!). So I figured I'd ask here, before I went ahead and rolled the dice and picked a size.

I'm a 6'2'' and have narrowed it down to between 60 or 62 cm (I'm thinking 58 would be too small?). Anyone have one I could ride for a few minutes to check sizing? I live in Greenfield and work in Oakland, but would be happy to hop on the bus and meet anywhere else. Also, if anyone has any sizing advice for someone moving from a mountain bike to a road frame, that would be great too.


2010-03-17 18:23:27

Check Ambridge Bike Shop...they used to carry a few Cross Checks and LHTs on the floor.

2010-03-17 19:33:10

I sent you a PM, I've got a 58cm (I think) and I'm 6'3"

BTW, does anyone know if Surly marks their frames at all? Based on a couple searches I gather the answer is no, and I certainly don't see anything on the frame aside from a serial number.

2010-03-18 00:35:52

I think a 62cm might be a little too big. I would try heading to a shop and try a 58 out first.

2010-03-18 00:44:33

I am 6'1" and ride a 58cm long haul trucker frame.

2010-03-18 00:45:24

(oops, double post)

2010-03-18 00:55:54

I went to Ambridge tonight (thanks Reddan), and they had a 58 cross check and a 62 long haul trucker. They didn't have pedals or inflated tires, so I couldn't ride em, but I sat on each one. The 58 was much too short. I'd have to buy an extra long seat post. The 62 was the perfect height (I still had ample standover), but the reach was kind of long. They're going to order me a 62 cross check and swap out the stem for something shorter. Hopefully it feels okay once I actually ride the thing. Thanks for your suggestions guys.

2010-03-18 02:09:22