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Anyone willing to lend a small tent 4/9 - 4/11?

I've got a crapload of tools I could lend for a couple of days in return...cordless power tools, hand tools, a small compressor, power saws, ladders, a flooring nailer, woodworking tools, gardening/landscaping tools, etc.

I really need a night or two in the woods by myself to decompress and forget about the corporate world...and I need it soon. I have everything I need for a weekend trip but a tent. Unfortunately, purchasing a small backpacking tent just isn't in the budget right now.

Does anyone have a small tent you'd be willing to lend for the weekend of 4/9? It doesn't need to be anything special, just reasonably waterproof and small and light enough that I could lash it to a standard rear rack for a 50+ mile trip.



2010-03-30 04:42:48

I have a standard dept store 2-3 person you are welcome to borrow. It isnt super light or super small, but should be able to be bungied to a rack just fine. weighs about 8-10 lbs and is about 24x4x6 in its case. Let me know if you want it.

2010-03-30 12:05:22

Wow, thanks for the responses. It's just going to be me on this trip, so I'm thinking smaller and lighter is better. Joe, I sent you a private message.

2010-04-01 04:35:25