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Are you kidding me?

While I was browsing craigslist I came across this add

Do we really need folks driving around playing on a toy guitar instead of watching the road. Wow here I am thinking that cell phones are distracting. I guess it wont be too long before they are making a no playing video games while driving law.

2009-12-05 18:13:45

Reminds me of a friend's joke from a couple years back re: installing a video game system in the car's steering wheel.

"...Yeah, and the FIRE button would be the horn--I can see it now, the officer pulls you over for excessive honking and you answer, 'Sorry officer, I just had to kill this guy.'"

2009-12-05 22:32:26

Good grief

2009-12-05 23:10:33

At least it comes with 2 bikes that you never ride because you're too busy eating cheetos and sitting around on your fat ass playing video games! Sheesh, I'm gonna' be sick.

2009-12-07 00:45:44

Don't forget the mtn dew.

2009-12-07 04:23:52

You haven't even begun to be worried yet. How about steering wheel laptop mounts? (one, another).

2009-12-07 04:49:03

WOW I cant believe someone thinks that is a good idea. Now I've seen it all.

2009-12-07 05:09:40

You haven't even begun to be worried yet. How about steering wheel laptop mounts? (one, another).

You missed my favorite one! Be sure to check out the consumer photos and customer reviews ;-)

2009-12-07 12:57:28

that thing is for real?

2009-12-08 19:09:42

Tragically, yes.

2009-12-08 19:36:40

i guess the next level is to have your laptop screen projected directly onto your windshield

2009-12-08 19:38:00

The thing is for real, but fortunately the people of found the thing to be just as ridiculous as us. The reviews are the finest bit of satire since 3 wolves 1 moon.

My copilot and I both used these during our "daily grind" transcontinental flights from San Diego to Minneapolis. We had to modify them a bit to fit snug against the instrument panels (when we bought them we didn't realize the planes we fly don't have steering wheels!), but in the end it did the job. With our laptops firmly in place we were able to focus our attention on what really mattered, participating in raids with our WoW clan. During our last flight we were so immersed in trying to take down Eranikus that we overshot Minneapolis by a full hour and a half before some annoying flight attendant interrupted us, babbling something about "FAA and F16 fighters." We'll definitely use this product again at our next gig, whatever and whenever that happens to be... Highly recommended!

2009-12-08 19:45:31

ERok don't give them any ideas.

2009-12-08 22:20:15

From my own tweet, seen with my very own eyes:

Seen from PAT bus seat: Pgh city police car in slowly moving traffic (6th St) with a Warner Bros cartoon playing on a YouTube video.

It was precisely 7:20 p.m. I did a double take to make sure I was indeed seeing what I thought I was seeing. I was on a 1D Mount Royal headed home, seated on the left side of the bus, which itself was barely moving.

2009-12-12 05:39:04