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Baltimore passes Cyclists Bill of Rights!

Passed the other day by the Baltimore city council

1. Cyclists have the right to travel safely and free of fear.

2. Cyclists have the right to equal access to our public streets and to sufficient and significant road space.

3. Cyclists have the right to the full support of educated law enforcement.

4. Cyclists have the right to the full support of our judicial system and the right to expect that those who endanger, injure, or kill cyclists will be dealt with to the full extent of the law.

5. Cyclists have the right to routine accommodations in all roadway projects and improvements.

6. Cyclists have the right to urban and roadway planning, development, and design that enable and support safe cycling.

7. Cyclists have the right to traffic signals, signage and maintenance standards that enable and support safe cycling.

8. Cyclists have the right to be actively engaged as a constituent group in the planning and implementation of roadway and transit projects.

9. Cyclists have the right to full access for themselves and their bicycles on all mass transit.

10. Cyclists have the right to end-of-trip amenities that include safe and secure opportunities to park their bicycles.

11. Cyclists have the right to be secure in their persons and property and be free from unreasonable search and seizure, as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment.

12. Cyclists have the right to peaceably assemble in the public space, as guaranteed by the First Amendment.

2010-11-11 14:50:27

or bicyclian bill of rights

2010-11-11 14:50:48


2010-11-11 15:22:17

I'm jealous of Baltimore. Dang.

2010-11-11 15:44:48

Lolly - are you aware of any other municipalities, particularly in Western PA that have passed similar resolutions - and is the Baltimore resolution based on some other measure?

2010-11-11 16:26:27

The post says council person "Mary Pat Clark" introduced the bill. Anybody know anything about this person or what other group may have advocated for this?

2010-11-11 17:02:39

that's a pretty nice list, but does it actually do anything?

2010-11-11 17:18:36

No to be too dramatic, but the Declaration of Independence was a pretty nice list, too. At some point any movement has go to state it's goals and expectations. That list seems to accomplish that pretty nicely, I think.

2010-11-11 17:35:24

I'm curious how this would play out in situations like critical mass or cyclists participating in larger assemblies (such as G20 here in Pittsburgh).

2010-11-11 17:45:22

I think when the storm troopers are trampling the actual bill of rights, the cyclists bill of rights is kind of moot.

2010-11-11 17:48:40

I like the words. I await their attendant actions.

2010-11-11 18:12:58

One thing that this nice list might actually do? I don't really know how city governments or courts work, but I'd guess it's possible that now that this is on the books, you can, like, cite it when you're talkin bout stuff.

Like if you're arguing in a court case or in favour of a bike-friendly city ordinance, which do you think sounds better?

"Cyclists have every right to (blabla) because (correct and righteous but sort of long-winded exposition)."


"Well according to our own city's code, ordinance 69 Section 420, and I quote, 'Cyclists have the right to (blabla).'"

2010-11-11 18:44:26