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best use of craigslist to date

i wish these kids were in the city:

Bike fixing shop - $25 (Grindstone,PA)

Date: 2010-06-05, 12:41PM EDT

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

we are 3 kids and we fix kids bikes.. we r looking for some money and we have fixed 1 bike and we will put pics of it and it is 25$ each we can spray-paint,fix tires, and try to sand away rust text-724-317-2023,text-724-425-6194.. if u have any bikes u dont want give them to us for parts..

2010-06-06 04:08:44

I've actually got an RSS feed setup for Pittsburgh Craiglist bikes. I must be a glutton for punishment or something. It's like 75% crap, 10% some guy trying to sell two tires for $25 for weeks on end, and 15% weird odds and ends ($400 rail road bike dude)

2010-06-06 05:26:30

I am about to buy this just to reward these kids for their initiative.

2010-06-06 05:43:24

i was thinking we should give them a bunch of bikes to paint... i bet it would be pretty awesome, i know i have a couple.

2010-06-06 05:50:46

Should hook these kids up with bumper bike and start a detailing shop.

2010-06-06 13:58:15

I have a lot of rust they can try to sand away.

2010-06-06 14:37:01

When I first read this I thought it was going to be a missed connection post (possibly from Mark looking for Kayla)....

you were on Midnight Mass,you had a white bar tape,you were the only girl i was the handsome guy with the orange helmet.was also on a smiled at me your cute. please reply

(sorry guys, I couldn't resist)

2010-06-06 15:32:13

Man, that Grinder town is a long way out. Too bad.

2010-06-06 15:44:04

Always good to see people fixing up bikes, I'm about to try my hand at it as well. Im getting tired of taking my bike to get every little thing fixed. I figure if I get a couple of bikes I can work on (i.e. take a part and put back together) I can stop relying on other for just about everything (I can change my flats but thats about it)

2010-06-06 23:37:50

I mean, he does have a point that the fork is on backwards...

2010-06-06 23:53:15

i think maybe the whole wheel is just turned... it looks like the handlebars and fork are both matching in orientation, this sometimes happens when you use kickstands.

it could be an optical illusion though... or i could just love these kids

2010-06-07 00:00:19

I've seen bikes come out of Toys'r us that way. And worse. Scary. Whenever I see a kid in the neighborhood with a shiny new bike I ask them to let me check it over.

2010-06-07 00:04:55

That fork is definitely backwards.

+1 for the Grindstone kids showing some initiative though.

2010-06-07 00:39:09