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BICI planning survey

don't know who these people are really, but the survey was interesting to read and i'd like to know where they are going with it.


A bit of backstory: I started a bicycle planning, design and consulting firm back in May with a friend of mine. We've been targeting universities, but are trying to branch out to municipalities. More recently, we were approached by another planner about a Bicycle Route Signage initiative in Pittsburgh.

The city government is looking to re-vamp their bicycle network. This will consist primarily with striping bike lanes, publishing maps and installing signage. We're going after a contract to be the consultants and planners on the project.

Before I bore you with more details, we want to involve the existing bike community as much as possible with the proposal. We are hoping to launch an internet campaign with some mapping tools so people can participate on the selection of routes. Think of it as design through democracy.

So, I wanted to ask you a favor. I know you ride bikes and others who ride in Pittsburgh. We'd be interested in getting some input on our approach and determining the priorities of Pittsburgh cyclists. Would you be able to pass along a quick questionnaire to any friends on this topic? Any and all input will be appreciated and very, very helpful.

I've also sent a similar request to Bike Pittsburgh. If you can think of any other groups that this would interest, please let me know.

Mark Simpson

BICI Planning ||

130 India Street #2 || Brooklyn NY 11222"

2009-10-30 17:48:01

it was odd, because it was assuming that there was a bike network that existed outside of the bike map

2009-10-30 18:19:49

there is a network - kind of. And by phrasing the survey this way you can determine:

1. does one currently exist?

2. if so, then do people recognize it?

3. if and when the recommendations of this study are implemented, then the same question can be posed to pittsburghers and *hopefully* the answers will be more encouraging.

At least, that is how I interpreted the survey questions.

2009-10-30 18:53:43

the survey really confused me.... like, how do i respond to a question like "would putting out bike maps be helpful"

in my head i'm thinking, well, probably not, because there are already awesome free bike maps in every shop in the city... but those ones are really helpful

2009-10-30 19:10:02