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Bike parking near Heinz Field

Does anyone know of a safe place to park a bike anywhere close to Heinz Field on game days? I was thinking about taking the trail from my girlfriend's house to some Pitt games this fall to avoid parking and traffic with my car. I see some people chain their bikes to a railing beside Rivertowne, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any other places.

2012-08-07 07:21:29

I've never used them but there are racks at Rivers Casino and I believe there are a few around PNC (there are always bikes locked up there around the Pirates game time).

2012-08-07 11:29:33

Are there "normal" racks near PNC Park? The last time I rode to a game (a few years ago), I could only find the vertical-style racks (like at Trader Joe's), which are problematic for me if we have our kids on trailer bikes.

2012-08-07 11:40:23

There are a couple of the 3 rivers racks down on the North Shore trail under Mr. Rodgers. Also under that bridge, closer to the gates, are I think 6 (?) T-shaped racks.

If you go up to the actual stadium, there isn't much.

There is a vertical rack (with wide spaces, though) under the stairs to the Ft. Duquesne Bridge. But it smells like garbage and vomit there - not my favorite place to lock.

There are another couple of 3 rivers racks near the stairs that go from PNC park to the trail, kind of by the river rescue.

Overall, there aren't a ton of great options. The trail also gets super crowded after the games since a lot of people park downtown. I've ridden then, but it's easier to just walk your bike until the crowds thin.

Hope this helps! It might be good to scout it out before game day.

2012-08-07 12:42:05

The racks in front of rivers casino were not bolted down last time I was there, I used their contact page to notify them of my concen about it and got no response, maybe they just don't care. I could lift up the rack and slide off my ulock. There is no way to safely lock to them.

There were some toaster racks by the casino by the trail. They are not really locked to anything, but I guess it's hard to steal a whole bike rack.

2012-08-07 12:48:13

There are a lot of racks. There are a bunch at the bottom of the stairs outside of Gate A and some outside of the gate near Reedsdale and Art Rooney Ave. I normally park at Rivertowne and lock to their fence since that is where I meet people and have a beer or two before games. Also, Stage AE is in the process of adding bike parking, shouldn't be much longer now.

2012-08-07 12:51:29

There are a couple of racks at each of the new T plus stations. One would be opposite PNC Park, off West General Robinson. The other would be near the corner of West General Robinson and Allegheny, one block north of the Science Center.

2012-08-07 14:30:12

There are racks in front and behind on ground level just outsdie the doors of the Science Center. Neither is fully protected from the elements unfortunately, but if the wind is in the proper direction, they might be sheltered some.

2012-08-07 17:30:34

Sweet! Thanks, everyone! I just discovered a video on Youtube someone did riding on the trail around there and I saw the racks mentioned that are below the Mr. Rogers statue. I may try that for a few games this year. That will be nice tearing out of there on the trail as opposed to sitting in a parking garage waiting to get out.

2012-08-08 06:44:29

I usually enter the stadium using the tunnel where the gateway clipper shuttle stops, and the T-shaped racks are rarely used during Pitt games.

2012-08-08 12:37:45