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Bike Pgh ever run a blood drive?

Just curious if BikePgh has ever run a blood drive. I donated today and thought it would be really cool if when they asked you who you were donating for, BikePgh was an option.

2010-07-29 20:06:34

blood donation + biking = dizzy bikers falling into ditch


2010-07-29 20:24:01

I rode 13 miles after donating. Aint no thang. Didn't do any intervals, though.

2010-07-29 20:32:38

last time I checked there is a waiting period for giving blood after tattoos and piercings. seems the cyclists I know are all tattooed.

nothing wrong with that I am tattooed as well. just something to think about.

i try and give blood just before I get inked

2010-07-30 02:08:17

Heh, maybe the tie fighters are less likely to have tattoos?

I for one am tat-less

2010-07-31 05:17:40

Could be true. I did not mean to cast judgment. I hope it wasn't taken that way.

"Some of my best friends are tat-less." 8-]

2010-07-31 13:00:17

I met a tat-less dude in college once. I think.

2010-07-31 15:58:02

I have enough scars, scuffs, and other marks from various run-ins with roads, inanimate objects, and orthopedic surgeons, and every one has a story. Those are my tats.

2010-08-02 02:01:52

I have enough kitchen battle scars to where I think it'd be neat to trace around the outside of them to make pictures.

But to be sort of on topic, giving blood scares me for some reason.

2010-08-02 11:07:35

I also like to donate blood, and used to alot, but cant now because 1 yr waiting period after ink. I think a Bike-pgh blood drive would be awesome.

2010-08-04 03:09:37

I saw that pic of the rig with the tacoed wheel @ Swinburne and read the descriptions of how the cyclist lost a lot of blood. Would hope someone would consider donating if I got hit.

2010-08-04 20:03:25