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Bike Pgh info cards ?

Does Bike Pgh have any kind of card, tag, or anything like that, that could be stuck on bikes at racks in public places, like a spoke card or something, to direct people to the web site and membership info?

I'm thinking, as the weather clears, bikes will start to come out, it might be good to keep a bunch in a pocket, and when you see bikes places hit them with a card.

It might even be fun as a social ride on a Saturday, ride around town and see how many major bike racks and parking places you could hit. With cocktails after, of course.

2010-03-05 18:54:44

Yes we do. We have some pretty rad hang tags (think do not disturb tags from hotel rooms). We are going to organize a mass distribution this spring.

2010-03-05 21:25:27

Awesome, with this sun out, can't wait.

2010-03-05 21:33:27

I'm down for some bike tag hangin', cocktail sippin'. keep us posted here on the board, I'll help out with the distribution.

2010-03-07 14:55:00

I'm down too!

2010-03-07 16:19:01

I'd love to help

2010-03-08 13:28:44

don't have any formal plans for this yet, but if anyone is willing to do this on their own, feel free to stop into our new office, and we'll hook you up with some hang tags to bring around.

2010-03-08 15:01:28

I don't want to overstep my bounds and act like an official rep of Bike Pgh, but if someone contacted the Trek Robinson and REI Settlers Ridge stores and got the ok, I would be willing to pick up some tags and take them out there and ask them to put them on bikes in their showrooms. There's going to be a lot of foot traffic in there in the next couple of months. PM me.

Also, how about if folks start calling out locations with major racks and other places where a lot of bikes lock up, so people can tag 'em.

2010-03-08 15:39:52

going around the Pitt and CMU campuses is usually pretty good. carnegie library in oakland too

2010-03-08 16:49:39

I can tag em' at DUQ

(if I ever get a day off work, I'll PM you guys and let you know before I drop by)

2010-03-08 21:42:02