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BikeFest Calendar of Events

Whoa. almost 70 events in 10 days. wowza!

Here's a link to download a pdf of the 2011 BikeFest Calendar. Print it out, put it on your fridge, post it in your office, make a paper airplane out of it and send it so someone in the library, line your birdcage with it, slip one in your roommate's cereal get the idea

2011-08-11 16:36:13

I suggest the birdcage AFTER BikeFest is over, unless your bird has a bicycle.

2011-08-11 17:18:16

I know a bird with a bicycle........

My birds are not partial to bicycles. They don't mind that I ride one, but they hate my helmet (when I am wearing it), and they want no part of bike RIDING. They don't like wagons or strollers either.

2011-08-11 19:59:12

Is this a good thread for event-related questions? Cause here comes one.

I'm interested in the bike hash. But it says there is some off-roading. Has anyone done this before, and do they know how off-road this really is? Could a road bike do it (this bike is good on crushed limestone and dry sod)? Could it just be some carry-my-bike-across-the-way kind of stuff?

2011-08-15 18:30:53

I've done this ride in the past. not in homestead tho. i imagine that you can just carry your bike if you can't make it. the one that i did also had people running along with people on bikes. but who knows.

2011-08-15 18:47:16