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bikepool to FOC from eastern Suburbs (and back) this Friday?

I'll be at the Westinghouse Energy Center (Monroeville, near Forbes Hospital) at 4PM. I'm slow (but approaching google map estimates for biking), new to riding with other cyclists, and have no idea what route I'll take (the fewer hills, the better).

Anybody want to join the fun? :D

2010-06-15 15:24:35

I wish I could get out of work earler and bike to FOC with you. But, I need to work until at least 4 in greensburg. I am already driving through Monroeville closer to 5 if you end up wanting to carpool (or ride out of the city if you don't want to head back as it's getting dark).

2010-06-15 20:44:49

That seems like a really long ride. It took me 25 minutes just to bike from Monroeville Mall to the Wilkinsburg end of the East Busway, the one time I tried it, and that's only about 1/3 of your distance.

Biking 48 to 130 and hopping on a 67F would be a good way to go ... if you could be sure there was a rack on the bus.

2010-06-16 09:46:01

thank you for the offer @smarti6! I may take you up on a ride towards home, that would be awesome (at least to get me out of the city)

Stu, I was wondering about the distance as well... Since my commuting plans have changed (I'm driving the carpool that day), I have MUCH more flexibility now in terms of starting location and time. If I can locate exact change, I might attempt the bus ride in one direction or the other :D

2010-06-16 12:45:28

Get in Zone 1 and you're looking at $2, not $2.75. Maybe park somewhere over by Phipps for free? Then we're only a couple-minute ride away.

Oh, and if you do park in Pitcairn, you want the 69 Trafford. The 67F is no longer.

You don't want to get too bushed before the ride. Last month, we rode close to 25 miles.

2010-06-17 03:25:28

Stu - thank you, I keep forgetting to mix my modes at all ends for most effective, affordable transport :D

25 miles is a bit far to bookend with 8 miles of hills... I might peel off with the MTCC group when we meet up, or just head home after. I turn into a pumpkin at 9:30PM anyway, and I don't want to fall asleep on the bus (did that too much as a student).

2010-06-17 15:39:29