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BIKETISM!, April 21st

No biking season is complete without a spritzing of non-denominational communal water at Pittsburgh's only Blessing of the Bikes! Stop by the second annual blessing at Allegheny Unitarian Universalist church (416 W North Ave., North Side). We'll be having our Earth Day service at 10:30am, and all are welcome to hang out for the whole thing. There are several locations to lock up, and if we run out of space someone will stay outside to provide security. If you just want to come by for the actual blessing part it will be outside around 11:15. Feel free to contact me (Shane Freeman) with any questions
2013-04-07 08:12:51
When you say Earth Day, Can I assume you mean the actual 22nd of April?
2013-04-07 11:54:42
helen s wrote: When you say Earth Day, Can I assume you mean the actual 22nd of April?
Actually it is on Sunday the 21st. Hope to see you there!
2013-04-07 12:42:30