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Biking in NYC, how bad is the theft?

My wife and I are staying with some friends who want us to bring our bikes. We both have nice bikes worth stealing and being that I don't live there I only know what I read about theft there. How bad is it really? I know all of the locking strategies and know the tricks thieves use. Is it as bad as I read? If I lock my bike up for an hour or two will they be safe?

2011-06-07 16:51:00

It is as bad as you've read. Use a good lock.

2011-06-07 17:01:36

i see poorly-locked bikes sit for days with no problem... and then i also see well-locked frames (only frames...)

2011-06-07 17:19:03

from friends who live there, it seems as bad as you've read. most people i know ride with two locks: a NYC chain for the frame/front wheel and a NYC U-lock for the back wheel.

I've heard of peoples parts getting jacked.

2011-06-07 19:47:22

How to secure your frame in NYC:

(snapshot taken the recent 5Boros ride weekend).

Also, it's really flat there, except for the bridges. You might be able to rent a bike or get around on some kind of beater bike...

In any case: have fun. It's such a great city & it is pretty entertaining to just wander the streets checking out how people lock up or make mods to the food delivery bikes.

2011-06-07 19:56:52

it must've been a bicycle buffet for thieves then.

2011-06-07 19:59:53

^erok, I think some of the hotels (including the one we stayed in) were pretty easygoing about bringing bikes into the rooms.

2011-06-07 20:02:02

I still own all of the fancy bikes I've ridden all over NYC. Just use a good lock, check what you're locking to, don't leave it out overnight.

Hotels have no standing to tell you that you can't bring a bike into the room. It's your luggage like anything else. In all of the places I've stayed with a bike only one hotel in London gave me a hard time about it. Every time a new employee or desk person gave me a line about how I couldn't bring it into my room I just assured them I already talked to the manager and it was cool, no matter what their note from the manager said. I never talked to the manager.

2011-06-07 20:10:40

+1 for what Erok said " two locks: a NYC chain for the frame/front wheel and a NYC U-lock for the back wheel."

or you can take off the front wheel and get both wheels and frame with a NYC chain...or rent bikes.

The riding is pretty dreamy there. Bike lanes galore!

2011-06-07 21:39:26

I just picked up a 2011 NYC Bikemap today... the front boasts of 50+ miles of new bike lanes this year. Whew...

2011-06-09 04:58:23

I was just there and saw a lot of people who used a little lock to chain their seat to the frame. It almost looked like a spare tube but it was a lock for the seat.

2011-06-09 10:47:02

2 friend of mine had their bikes stolen in NYC. They were just visiting for the weekend. They locked the bike to a parking meter in front of a cafe that had out door seating on the sidewalk. They go a table about 20 feet from their bikes. A white cargo van pulls up to the parking meter. The driver stays in his seat. The side door slides open right at the bikes, someone jumps out with a angle grinder with a cutoff wheel and proceeds to cut through the u-lock in about 15 seconds. He throws the two bikes in the van and the van speeds off.

2011-06-09 13:01:47

that is insane, seriously

2011-06-09 13:04:20

Looks like a beaver stole the bike. What at the heck did they use to chop the tree down?

2011-06-09 14:02:18

Well Geez if they put that kind of effort into earning money legally they wouldn't have to steal things from other people.

2011-06-09 14:08:21

I love that their security scale goes to 12.

2011-06-09 14:43:38

We are going next weekend.

2011-06-09 14:56:32

If you want to get in touch next week via the electronic mail I can hand it off if you're interested. I live right on Liberty Ave, so I'm not hard to find. I know a bunch of board posters pass my house on their commutes, perhaps you're one of them.

2011-06-09 14:59:20

and if thats not secure enough they always make this too!

2011-06-09 15:04:07

Brad, I am. I wave whenever I see you hanging outside. I ride a blue long haul trucker with the albatross bars.

2011-06-09 15:19:26

I thought that was you...

2011-06-09 15:21:34

Not related to theft, but here's a great video from someone ticketed in NYC for not riding in the bike lanes.

2011-06-09 16:21:40

I thought ax meant to inquire about something, or pose a question.

2011-06-09 20:50:01

Totally nuts.. they didn't even take the bike!

2011-06-09 20:50:54

Who even owns an axe in NYC? And why?

2011-06-09 22:21:15

@Lyle: I believe the term is 'fakerjacks.'

2011-06-09 22:25:20

yesss..... Bike Snob

2011-06-09 23:42:47

i don't think caitlin would be very happy to see that video...

2011-06-10 01:09:07

Axe is an olfactory assault.

An ax is "a cutting tool that consists of a heavy edged head fixed to a handle with the edge parallel to the handle and that is used especially for felling trees and chopping and splitting wood".

If you have a question about something, you aks about it.

2011-06-10 02:22:52

do you think it was from best made co?

2011-06-10 12:55:27

Oh my this is crazy! I am moving to NYC in August and I already miss the (what seems to me) relative ease of biking here. Maybe lots of bike lanes will change my mind...

2011-06-13 18:23:49