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bloodthirsty access vans

yinz are probably aware of this, but access vans are out to get you. i have run-ins and issues with cars from time to time, but access van drivers really seem to take the cake when it comes to putting the fear of god in me.

four years ago when i had a car, i was nearly t-boned by an access van. like the driver was aiming for me, it seemed. a few days ago an access van drove up behind me, then got into the lane to my left, then started hassling me into the right lane (which was full of parked cars and massive potholes). i tried to remember the van's number but i couldn't recall it when i got to my destination.

i'm wondering what it takes to become a access van driver, and how hard it is to get fired. since it's a government subsidized service, they probably have a fantastic union that allows anyone to drive the disabled and elderly around in a giant, speeding deathtrap.

my point is, be careful of the access vans. i don't think it matters how visible you make yourself to the driver. just because they're working when they're driving those things doesn't mean they're doing a good job.

2012-04-27 21:56:10

I once called in an Access van's plate number (detailed in the 4' passing thread), and person who looked it up confirmed that it was, in fact, expired. Yeesh.

2012-04-27 23:16:47

Access vans and Pittsburgh "school van" drivers are some of the worst commercial drivers I've seen in any of the four states I've lived in. If I had one, there is absolutely no way I would trust any child of mine to any of the private van companies around here.

2012-04-27 23:52:52

they pay bad wages even as bad as the econmy is they still cant keep employees. Alot of access companys you only get paid if you have a passenger on your bus plus they dont have to have cdls cause there is less than 15 seats on there buses. I drive a bus in east liberty and shadyside ride a bike for exercise i try to do 10 miles a day on the mountour trail so i dont turn into a big fat guy its working im 57 and ive been told i look 40

2012-04-28 01:53:58

To be fair, though, I have more trouble with post-gazette delivery trucks than I do with access vans...

2012-04-28 06:41:08

The RL koegnig vans in Lawrencville are

insane and dangerous. What Bear said above

makes sense. It is sad that people pay so

little to have others look after their kids.

2012-04-28 12:11:27

"It is sad that people pay so

little to have others look after their kids."

Steevo, I'm sure you're not intending to be critical of parents here, because school districts hire these bus operators, not parents.

But I have to say, it is frustrating as a parent that this dynamic is prevalent. (It is also frustrating that I've taken such care with my kids in car carriers, car seats and booster seats, seat belts, tethers, etc., and yet school busses don't even have seat belts... but i'm getting OT...)

2012-04-28 13:55:47


go to mcandless and tell them you are going

to raise their millage so the kids will be

driven around by college educated people with

experience with children and training and

are going to pay them all a living wage. See

what happens.

2012-04-28 15:19:23

steevo - right on

2012-04-28 19:00:36

ACCESS in one form or another is all around the U.S. here it is simply a broker between the port authority and a dozen or so profit and non-profit transportation companies. a real mishmash of service delivery; they operate in that awkward middle ground, a product of an extremely bipolar local, state and federal legislatures.

2012-04-28 19:31:21

dont think that these private school bus contractors arent getting big bucks from the school districts they are they are keeping it and paying as little as they have to to attract drivers but all companys do that in any business

2012-05-01 01:54:32