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Boston Globe: "Conservatives' New Enemy: Bikes"

2013-12-18 11:56:16
I like Kent Peterson's take on the whole "bikes are for liberals" silliness. Lots of good stuff, but I particularly appreciated this:
There are certainly people for whom riding a bike is a political act or an expression of their philosophy but there are probably as many reasons for riding as there are riders. My son Peter explained it to me this way, "I don't ride my bike because I'm a damn hippie like you, Dad. I ride because I'm fiscally conservative."
2013-12-18 13:25:48
I'm a fiscal conservative and also want to save the world. I don't see any conflict at all between these two views on life. As a matter of fact, there's a lot of congruence between the two positions. To be a conservative means literally "to conserve." We need a lot more of that. To be blatantly wasteful of limited and precious resources is not being conservative in the truest sense of the word.
2013-12-18 21:31:49
I always say that I don't have a problem with conservatives... it's republicans that I can't stand. I think this article falls under that. It's about politics, not values.
2013-12-18 22:16:24
Fat middle aged white men have always felt entitled to shout at the hoi polloi from their coaches, since the invention of the wheel. Apparently the media blowhards have just detected this strain in their base. And they're the ones shouting "entitlement!". Pot, meet kettle. I'm with screbner. I'm conservative. The nonsense flying under that flag today is the furthest thing from it. The main problem I have with Republicans is that the mainstream has been too chickenshit to stand up to the extremist asstards who have seized their platform. I hope they are sorting that out.
2013-12-19 06:45:49
"This machine kills oil companies."
2013-12-19 12:37:31
I’m conservative. The nonsense flying under that flag today is the furthest thing from it. The main problem I have with Republicans is that the mainstream has been too chickenshit to stand up to the extremist asstards who have seized their platform. I hope they are sorting that out.
Bill, you ever read Jim Wright's stuff atStonekettle Station?
2013-12-20 12:15:08
Wow, that's a helluva blog post. I may have to read that aloud to the family sometime. Some pretty spot-on comments, too.
2013-12-20 13:28:35
Holy shit reddan, thanks.
2013-12-20 20:59:07
That was good, I've shared it a few times today already!
2013-12-21 01:03:26
I'm fond of everything in his Bang-Bang Crazy series, and the three-part America set is pretty awesome too.
2013-12-21 10:08:01