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Butler Freeport Community Trail has awesome news

Butler Freeport Community Trail Takes Final Step Toward Completion More than 20 years in the making, the Butler Freeport Community Trail will have its Trailhead in the City of Butler. Buffalo Township has received its final DEP permit, allowing construction of a bridge across Coal Run into Father Marinaro Park, located in the south side of the city of Butler. The construction of the bridge will complete the 20-mile trail that begins in Freeport. The trail provides an outlet for walkers, runners and bicyclists along with opportunities to enjoy nature and designated birding areas. "The bridge into Butler has been a vision since the Trail's inception," says Chris Ziegler, President, Butler Freeport Trail Council. "We are excited to see this last puzzle piece fall into place and are thankful for all of the community and volunteer support over the years." The bridge, to be named "Fellowship Crossing" commemorates a group of people with a common interest intersecting along the same path. Buffalo Township, the municipality which owns the Trail, sought and obtained the permit for this final piece of the Trail. Construction costs for the bridge is funded by the Butler Freeport Community Trail Council, material funded through grants from DCNR and the Rails to Trail Conservancy. The Butler Freeport Community Trail Council is a membership supported, volunteer organization. The Council’s largest fundraiser is the annual Buffalo Creek Half Marathon held each October, 2015 will be its 10th year. For more information on the Butler Freeport Community Trail, visit or
2014-11-05 19:52:09
That's great news! I rode this trail for the first time earlier in the fall and it was a very pleasant ride & Butler was easy to navigate in the saddle too. Now if only we could get to Freeport without having to ride on a highway...
2014-11-05 20:55:20
Look forward to visiting!
2014-11-05 21:06:53
You can get to Freeport without being on the highway. Penn dot built a new bridge in to Freeport there is a path and sidewalk to get in to town and you also can go across the 356 bridge to River Forest Country Club on the other side of the Allegheny River. Also coming is a connection to the Rachel Carson Trail, they just received grant money for the project.
2014-11-05 21:13:49
Oh we checked out both of those bridges and they are very well done - they should be the model to follow for what good connectors can be. And the homes down by the country club were very unexpected considering the economy of the surrounding area. I was referring more to the lack of decent cycling roads getting you from Pgh proper out to Freeport. It can be done, but there is a pucker factor for many stretches along the way. I hope that one day the Allegheny trail will make the trip much more relaxing.
2014-11-05 22:11:14
...after passing along the nice homes is the Tredway Trail (about 2.5 miles long) ... out to Lock and Dam #4...etc.
2014-11-06 03:18:17
This is so awesome!!!!! Father Marinaro Park is right by where my folks live! YAY!
2014-11-06 09:30:00
I'm really excited to try riding these trails soon. Might have to wait till spring though.
2014-11-06 12:41:26
The Butler - Freeport trail is my favorite place to ride and the Rachel Carson Trail is my favorite hiking trail.
2014-11-19 20:22:06