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City bicycle officer hit by vehicle

I'm interested to see how this pans out. Hope he's okay.

2011-01-25 20:28:44

Huh, I just drove past this half an hour ago or so and that's kind of what it looked like. A bike cop down.

Hope they're alright. Something tells me this is going to be the only bike accident taken seriously by the authorities this year.

Funny how the news story fails to mention the usual quips about how it must be the cyclist's fault...

2011-01-25 20:33:26

I hope the bike-cop's ok. I also wonder if the moonscape that is Penn ave. contributed to this?

2011-01-25 20:54:58

When I drove past it looked like they had a guy in a BMW suv held nearby but who knows

2011-01-25 20:58:07

Sounds like the type of vehicle that that type of person would drive

2011-01-25 21:42:57

Funny how the news story fails to mention the usual quips about how it must be the cyclist's fault...

Especially considering how most of the bike cops ride--they are worse than most of the sidewalk hoppers in Oakland.

Edit: This was my immediate thought on the matter, but I realize how insensitive and inappropriate it was.

2011-01-25 21:47:13

no one is safe. even the officers. i have respect for the bike officers, they usually get it. also i love seeing them writing traffic violations in east lib.

2011-01-25 21:54:11

I hope the guy's ok, back injuries suck.

I literally *just* ordered a bike-cop jacket (kordite rocks!), which I thought would be a fantastic preventative measure... Perhaps it's like the flu shot - probably help, but won't fight all strains of adam's apples and space cadets.

Do the bike cops know we love them? (I assume "we" love them because they work on bicycles and help keep us safe, I know that "we" isn't all inclusive). Would there be something we could do to show support?

2011-01-25 21:55:55

I had the same thought, ejwme. We come out to support other stricken cyclists, cops shouldn't be excepted. And presumably it would do wonders for cyclist/cop relations.

Obviously, we don't need to circle the courts building to ensure justice, nor do we need a ghost bike (thank goodness), so what do we do? Send Friday's Crit Mass past the Zone 5 station? (that's a joke, y'all).

2011-01-25 22:28:17

I just sent an email to the commander at zone 6 (where the traffic police run out of) to get some more info and get the name of the officer so we can at least send some get-well soon cards.

2011-01-25 23:36:50

Thanks, Scott.

2011-01-26 00:50:07

Nice work reaching out Scott.

2011-01-26 01:02:14

It would be great for (him? her?) to hear from empathetic cyclists. Even though I have mixed feelings about cops, I respect that their jobs are hard, and that they face a great many occupational hazards.

2011-01-26 01:05:24

I think it's a chance to (1) support a rider and (2) build good will with a group that bicyclists are often in tension with. Nicely done Scott.

2011-01-26 01:13:56

I don't know if this would be a good idea, but maybe if anyone knows someone who was hit by a car while riding, you (or the person who was hit, if they're able to), can send a get well, to let them know that other people know what they're going through, and that there's a big group of people behind him, as well as a growing concern because of the multiple instances of incidents like this.

It seems like a good idea to me, but I don't want to seem like we're going in with an agenda (although safety isn't a bad agenda).

2011-01-26 01:22:30

We (bicyclists) need the police on our side.

In April 2009, when the 3 police were shot in Stanton Heights, there was a memorial bike ride. I think there were at least 70-80 riders. That went a long way to help relations with police. Sending some sort of unified message of good luck to the cop rider sounds great to me.

2011-01-26 02:08:17

If someone has access to inexpensive printing, maybe we could make up bike-pgh get well cards and anyone who wants to send one can buy them for a dollar or two a piece?

2011-01-26 02:12:30

Hope he'll be okay. Those guys do what is already a dangerous job, and make it even more dangerous doing it from a bike.

2011-01-26 02:27:43

Sending some sort of unified message of good luck to the cop rider sounds great to me..

To me, too.

Scott, can you post a name or address?

Or, can we send things to "The injured bicycle officer at Zone 6?"

2011-01-26 02:48:39

Protip: run front & rear blinkies at daytime, particularly when it's grey. Don't know what their regulations are though on usage of flashing lights.

2011-01-26 03:22:37

yup, good strong blinkies are even more important in overcast weather than at night. it doesnt take much to be seen when its dark out, but when its grey and blah and there is no contrast between anything you have to be extra careful.

2011-01-26 03:35:25

+1. Same goes for dusk as well.

2011-01-26 11:09:44

Any more word on this?

2011-01-26 12:23:03

Sorry, lot's of meetings today. Just getting a chance to write in now. The police commander shared his name with me but asked me not to share it (sorry). However, he is assigned to zone 5 so you may send cards there. I guess just address them to "bicycle officer who was hit" or something along those lines?

Zone 5 Police Station

1401 Washington Blvd.

Pittsburgh, PA 15206


2011-01-27 01:16:25

Scott, did the police commander say anything about the officer's status? (doing well expected back in a week, or hurt bad etc?) Hope it's good.

2011-01-27 01:30:10

No he did not.

2011-01-27 13:31:10

I've sent a well-wishing letter addressed to "Bike Officer involved in recent accident."

2011-01-27 16:10:53

I ran into a COP bike officer downtown at lunch today. I asked him about the officer in question. The downtown guy said "oh yeah, he's fine.... thanks for asking...."

2011-01-27 18:08:16