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Thanks for posting, Elmo. Both good reads, what is your take?

2012-12-12 14:31:51

I thought it was a pretty fair assessment of the current state of affairs on the streets of Pittsburgh. I liked what Colin had to say regarding why cyclists sometimes go through intersections and it doesn’t make sense for us to abide by regular vehicle laws 100% of the time.

Anything that creates awareness for drivers and helps them understand what our thought processes are is a good thing, and I thought both articles helped do just that.

2012-12-12 15:12:50

thanks for posting.

this line:

She admits that she's pretty easy to notice — "the uniform is highly visible and we're carrying a gun," she says.

2012-12-12 15:14:40


2012-12-12 15:33:38

also this: Closer to home, there have been 496 reportable bicycle/motor-vehicle crashes in the city of Pittsburgh since 2002, according to figures from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Nearly 70 percent of those accidents were the fault of the motorist, according to the data.

2012-12-12 21:17:43

Well written, thanks for linking.

2012-12-12 21:39:13