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Commuter Wanted

I'm planning a partial commute route from Millvale to South Side. Looking for someone to go at least part, but really most of the way with me. I'm configuring a route along the Three Rivers Trail to an incline (optional for the other rider). It's only looking like being 8-10 mi. each way. If you know anyone that works in the city and would be interested, let me know ASAP-I want to start doing this once a week until it gets too cold.
2015-08-17 13:49:50
I travel through Millvale daily, on my way to Forbes and Grant. I'd be happy to meet you en route.
2015-08-17 14:22:43
I'd be leaving Millvale Riverfront Trail access point approximately 8 am. What time are you there?
2015-08-17 14:30:36
I can be there by 8. Looks like a pretty good chance of rain for the trip in tomorrow, also Wednesday. I'm OK with riding in the rain, though I am not fond of thunderstorms. But if you want to try this first on a dry day, that's OK, too. How about as a meetup location, that first picnic shelter as you enter the park? By the time I get to Millvale, I've already put about a half hour behind me, and for me, it's another 25-ish minutes to get to the heart of downtown. To get to the SSide, figure on 30 minutes travel time, minimum.
2015-08-17 14:42:59
I was going to go Friday-should be clear. Sounds like a plan to me. Work timeliness isn't a huge deal for me. First picnic shelter sounds good. I'll PM you if things change.
2015-08-17 14:46:36
Can we do Thursday? Oh crap, Thursday's a rainy day, too. But Friday's my early day; I have to be downtown by 7. Unless you want to meet at 6:30?
2015-08-17 16:06:47
*NOT a morning person* Fridays were going to be my go-to day :( Let me think about it for next week.
2015-08-17 17:45:53