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Cool video about crazy NYC intersection

This is nuts. I'm amazed that people aren't getting killed left and right in NYC. It also makes me understand why so many people in NYC might be angry about bikes. Even with all the stupid stuff some people do on bike here in the Burgh, I don't think I've ever seen anything quite as reckless as what the bikes in this video do. As for the cars and pedestrians, well, I'm pretty used to them doing crazy things.

2011-06-07 19:52:30

What's the difference between Monderman's ideal "naked street" and a street with all kinds of structure that is simply, totally, ignored? Maybe the problem here is that the signage and structure is only partly ignored, and if it was completely ignored, then things would be better.

The question I had on watching that video was over what duration did the recorded events take place? Is this a selection of the most egregious behaviors from an entire month, or just a random half-hour?

2011-06-07 20:30:56

I like the tractor trailer u-turn.

2011-06-07 20:36:52

Yeah, I shouted out loud at that U-turn.

Maybe, this *is* an example of Monderman's ideas. It looks maddening, but in practice it's safer than it looks because everyone is wide awake and paying attention and not trusting anyone else to do anything predictable.

2011-06-07 22:40:11

It doesn't seem to me that it's the rules that are broken, it's the social construct that is broken. The lack of enforcement and subsequent ignoring of the rules is the problem.

Also, at no point did that video offer any type of solution, it simply pointed out the chaos that every single New Yorker already knows about.

2011-06-08 00:29:42

It also makes me understand why so many people in NYC might be angry about bikes.

It's interesting that you said that because it's not just people on bikes ignoring the rules. No one obeys any law or has any courtesy or care about anyone else.

2011-06-08 00:34:14

Despite all the flashing shapes, only some of the interactions they highlight show people actually losing control/balance.

There's a guy towards the end on the left shaking both fists at a cab driver. Argh!

The intro reminded me of the classic Powers of Ten by Charles & Ray Eames.

2011-06-08 00:40:32

there were only about 3 cases in that whole video where someone did something dangerous... some of the flashing red business was just people seeing things way ahead of time and waiting for it. if that's the best this guy could come up with then i'm actually pretty impressed.

2011-06-08 05:45:28

Woah...crazy, although it does seem to be moving rather smoothly.

2011-06-08 12:35:05

it made me think of one of those videos too, edmonds- much crazier. there are no bike riders in Peoria :)

2011-06-08 12:45:01

They aren't trying to create order in Peoria. In Rome the traffic circles in Rome move much like that as well.

Compare those with Tokyo. This is the expected behavior when there are traffic control signals.

2011-06-08 13:33:58

I didn't have one bad interaction as a cyclist or a pedestrian last month while in NYC last month (except tourists standing and walking in the bike only lanes of the Brooklyn bridge). Crazy video footage.

Also I would like to add that I am mad that Peter Gunn was murdered. Should have had audio off.

2011-06-08 13:41:50

Death to salmon and sidewalk cyclists! I am not usually one to lecture about following the rules, but sheesh! Salmoning and sidewalk riding not only is EXTREMELY dangerous to the cyclist, pedestrians, and drivers, it also adds fuel to the fire of those who consider us lawless and dangerous. Hey, I'm not saying we need to follow every traffic law to the letter (I don't), that's another issue altogether for me. But some of the riding in this video is just reckless and is exemplary of the kind of shit that will get you hurt badly or worse.

2011-06-08 15:28:20

@rsprake - the only reason I mention the bikes specifically is that while I'm pretty used to seeing cars and peds do stupid stuff around here, I don't think I've ever seen a Pittsburgh cyclist do any of the crazy things that happen in that video (flying nearly full speed across moving traffic, or splitting cars going the wrong direction on a divided street, for example). chefjohn's right, that kind of riding will get you killed.

2011-06-08 18:16:30