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Cranberry TWP

Apparently Cranberry Township has been adding sharrows to some of their roads. They even have a Bicyclist and Pedestrian Connections Plan . Who knew?
2013-08-02 09:52:12
So far the only place I've seen the sharrows in Cranberry has been on residential streets. Big deal. For one of the newest neighborhoods in the area, they took an incredibly long time to do anything. Cyclists were an afterthought for them. Even Graham Park - only a few years young - was not designed with cyclists in mind. The speed limit there may only be 15, but that doesn't stop the drivers from speeding, and since the roads are narrow and have no berm you don't have many options. I'd love to see Cranberry become bike friendly, but I won't hold my breath.
2013-08-02 17:43:35
I have been at the Cranberry Panera every Friday night since 2004. I have yet to see even one bicycle tied up in that plaza. Heck, I have yet to see even one bicycle IN that plaza. Ever. I should try biking from a relatively close spot like Haine School Rd and Rochester Rd to that Panera, about two miles. There's the obvious way (Haine School, Freedom) and a twisty-turny route through a bunch of housing developments. I wonder which is easier.
2013-08-02 19:01:39
Stu, I have been to that Panera on my bike. Once. About six times a year, I ride to the Starbux on Freedom-Crider Road. Generally, it's the Four-Starbucks-Ride: the Starbucks in Moon, Brodhead Road to the Starbucks in Monaca, Routes 18 and 65 to Freedom, Ninth St and Freedom Crider Rd to the Cranberry Starbucks; the Industrial Park and Wexford-Baynesville Rd to the Red Belt to Beaver St and the Sewickley Starbucks, thence to Moon Starbucks. The streets in Cranberry generally have lousy shoulders, so I'm in the lane and I don't recall any problems. Riding through the industrial park between 228 and 19 is a pleasure. The segment from the Industrial Park to Sewickley is the route of the old Tour de Sewickley, it's pretty nice. In general, from what I've seen of it, like in Graham Park, the Cranberry plan seems to be: paint sharrows on it and now it's bike-friendly. They're not alone in that perception.
2013-08-02 19:40:48
Cranberry pulled together a great ped/bike plan about 2 years ago, and have been implementing the recommendations ever since. They got a lot of community involvement in the development of the plan. No, it does not go far enough for many serious riders, but it sends a strong message to Cranberry residents that they CAN ride from their homes to schools, parks and other community facilities. It's a start, and they should be commended, not immediately put down for not having enough cyclists at their retail establishments, not thinking big enough, or not moving fast enough on plan implementation. They've done a lot more than many communities in the region.
2013-08-02 20:04:34
I am working up there and have noted a growth in commuters at my facility. They have an on site gym but do also provide racks and showers for all employees and contractors.
2013-08-02 23:10:31