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CVNP trail from Akron to Cleveland

Has anyone ever ridden on the Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail between Akron and Cleveland? It's affiliated with Cuyahoga Valley National Park, but the trail extends beyond the park's boundaries. I'm thinking of taking a weekend trip to Cleveland at some point, and I really like the prospect of doing some biking on the trail as part of the excursion.

I also like that the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad has a program where you can bike one direction and ride the train back, paying just $2.00 per person. It only runs certain days of the week, and not in the winter, though. Even so, I am looking forward to mixing my two favorite modes of travel. Details at .

2010-03-25 03:33:38

I've never ridden the whole trail, but I've ridden in that area, and it's really nice. Highly worth further investigating. And it's not far from here.

The Oil Creek and Titusville railroad north of here does the same thing.

Caution, there's some pretty bad audio;

I've always wanted to park a bike at the south end of Oil Creek, kayak down from the north, bike back, and then I guess just take the train ride for the helluvit. Sort of a steam triathlon.

2010-03-25 11:47:14

I will be going to the CVNP trail a week from this saturday.I've been planning, and looking forward to this trip for a month.I have a couple friends that live near this trail and ride it frequently.It's suppose to be a beautiful trail.

2010-03-25 13:16:32