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Cycling computer

Does anyone have a recommendation for a cycling computer? I Prefer the simplest one I can find that is wireless and has a cadence sensor. Ideally something that I can swap between bikes easily.

I don't want anything that does GPS navigation. GPS tracking that I can upload later is Ok though.

Price... Max $200 unless it is really awesome.

If only the knog nerd had a cadence sensor, that's what I really want. I hate screw on mounts for lights and accessories.

2012-07-12 13:33:53

I have this:

Node 2

I think the Node 1 will do what you want as well and is just $60-ish and has settings for two bikes. No GPS at all.

2012-07-12 15:03:30

i have CatEye computers on both my bikes and I haven't had a problem with them ever. Wireless, under $100, and easy to install and setup.

2012-07-12 21:30:26

i have a cheap schwinn computer 20 bucks at wal mart between my 3 bikes ive put almost 3000 miles on in the last year mostly on the mountour trail or the ghost town trail

2012-07-13 01:51:55

I use a Garmin Edge 500, and have for three years. GPS that you can upload later, cadence, wireless, easily set up on multiple bikes. With the speed/cadence sensor, you can find them on eBay for under $200.

2012-07-13 03:19:54

Funny, I was looking for a cheap one on eBay. I mean cheap like $5.

2012-07-13 18:12:25

Mine was new, unopened for $160. It has the old Garmin team color scheme (think orange and blue plaid) but it works.

2012-07-13 22:17:26

you wont get much for 5 bucks those wal mart ones are probly the cheapest you can find

2012-07-14 01:41:02