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Dirt Rag and Bicycle Times Garage Sale

Join us for a garage sale and make some space in the bike room for spring, or find that item you've been looking for! Head on down to The Wheel Mill, the new indoor bike park being constructed in Pittsburgh, on Saturday, January 26, from Noon to 7 p.m.

We've got tons of gear that's looking for a new home from Dirt Rag and Bicycle Times—everything from bikes to books. We'll be donating the proceeds from our portion of the sale to BikePGH and PTAG, and donating viable leftover stuff to FreeRide.

We're also inviting you to bring your stuff to sell as well—just be sure to pre-register a table.

We'll also have raffles, swag, and yes, beer.

Register for a selling spot at

If you have questions, you can reach us at

2013-01-04 20:15:15

(This was posted to the blog already, but I figured folks might have some questions that could be answered here.)

2013-01-04 20:17:53

I'll be there with a bunch of Fiks:Reflective wheel stripes that were cut 2% too small due to a equipment problem along with a bunch of random parts from my personal collection.

2013-01-07 18:02:03

@Nick anything that will fit a 650b rim?

2013-01-08 21:18:46

@dmtroyer- I have a bunch of 700c stuff that is a tad too small. It will be a little bigger than 650b, but it will work. They will be cheap, so it's probably worth it.

2013-01-09 17:01:19

So we have assembled the pile of stuff... holy crap! TONS of tires (mostly MTB, many 26", but other kinds too), wheels, books, some gently used clothing, bags, one trailer with panniers, a few forks, etc. etc. etc.

We may also collect up a bin of free clothes.

2013-01-17 19:38:40

is the trailer with panniers one of those one wheeled trailers?

2013-01-17 20:28:47

Yep, it's an Extra Wheel that I reviewed a couple years ago. One of the bearings in the pivot part is probably bad (but should be easily replaceable), and I just noticed that one of the buckles is broken on one pannier (but again, easily replaceable by someone with some sewing skills).

2013-01-17 21:15:40