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Drink coffee do good, Bikes to Rwanda

You all probably know about buying a bike for Rwanda coffee farmers but if check out this link.

Before custom-designed cargo bikes were made accessible to coffee farmers, Rwandans either walked 4 or 5 miles to collection points or used dangerous homemade wooden bikes to deliver their cherries. Not only were the wooden bikes unsafe, they were not efficient and often completely unsuitable for carrying the heavy bags of cherries.

In 2005 Tom Ritchey, a pioneer in the world of mountain biking and owner of Ritchey Design, created a cargo bike that enables coffee farmers to travel safer, faster, and produce a higher quality bean.

Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee has established the "Sustainable Cycle" micro-finance fund and has committed to raising funds to ship 250 cargo bikes to coffee farmers in Bukonya. If you would like to purchase a bike, or parts for a bike for a Rwandan coffee grower click here and join us in providing bikes to Bukonya.

2009-06-10 03:04:54

cool idea. i was actually surprised that it was a long bike at first. but makes sense. long bikes are awesome.

2009-06-10 15:05:05

If any one would like to partner with me I would throw in a few bucks to help these farmers out.

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor he to will cry out and not be answered Proverbs 21:13

2009-06-10 21:59:42