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Drop in vehicle miles traveled in Pittsburgh region documented

From Pittsburgh Today, a regional indicators project: Another transportation-related indicator shows a similar drop. In 2011, the Pittsburgh MSA recorded a total of 19 daily vehicular miles traveled per capita, a slight drop from the 2010 figure of 21 daily vehicular miles traveled per capita. Pittsburgh had the second-lowest rate in 2011; Philadelphia had the lowest rate with 18 daily vehicular miles traveled per capita.
2013-08-07 14:26:45
21 to 19? Roughly 10%. I would not call that a "slight" drop at all. I think this could be used for justification for more bike and public transportation funding. Accordign to Wki, the Pgh MSA has 2.36 million people in it. 2 miles per day each is 1.7 billion miles per year. I don't know the cost of that, but I'm pretty sure it would be enough to fund a pretty good bike-fest party. ;-)
2013-08-07 16:38:08