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East-er Sunday ride 8/28/2011

I'm planning on another moderately-paced informal jaunt into the wilderness; this time, eastbound and somewhere in the 65-75 mile range.

Tentative route includes Fox Chapel/Squaw Run, Old Mill Rd for the gravel lovers, Logan's Ferry(heheheh!) to Sardis Rd, and a return through Murrysville and Trafford via 130 into Braddock.

Expected pace will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 14-16 mph rolling average, starting time 10 or 11 AM in town.

If'fn yinz be interested, PM or email dan.blumenfeld gmail, and we'll sort out the details.

2011-08-24 22:43:56

Dammit, missing another one of these. Someday...

2011-08-24 22:59:47

Im down. I'll email you tonight Dan

2011-08-24 23:05:18

I don't have any plans, so count me in until I can come up with an excuse.

I'm out of shape though...

2011-08-25 00:32:46

Have to work at 2, otherwise I'd consider.

2011-08-25 01:01:55

Some nutty triathlete has requested a long option, so there will probably be an extra 35-mile loop available after coming back to town, for those who just can't get enough.

Let's call it 10 AM Sunday at the bike rental on Eliza Furnace. Feel free just to show up, but RSVPs are appreciated.

2011-08-25 02:52:34

man, i am gonna be out of town for the next 3 saturdays

2011-08-25 03:32:00

Dan count me in.

2011-08-25 03:49:12

@boostuv: Consider yourself counted.

@stefb: I was thinking about a ride to the south on Sunday or Monday of Labor Day weekend, if that fits your schedule.

2011-08-25 09:45:50

Ah, I think it will be along ride to the starting point from hawai'i :)

2011-08-25 11:07:27

Heh. Never mind, then. Enjoy your time on the volcanic isles. :-)

2011-08-25 11:18:36

Dan, count me out. An afternoon of helping Nick work on the motorcycle turned into a late evening after some mishaps on my own bike and then, as if my day wasn't shitty enough, I lost my keys somewhere on 376 coming back from Monroeville.

2011-08-28 05:49:11

Just saw this thread. Some nutty triathlete, eh? Said by some weirdo on a bent, I take it. See you in a few. It sure is windy!

2011-08-28 12:13:53

I dropped off of Dan's ride after about 30 miles due to a back injury that is not allowing me to climb out of the saddle, making my already shitty climbing skills even shittier.

However, I made a trip to Tarentum on Freeport Rd and then back to town then back to Oakmont on ARB then back to Freeport Rd and back to town I managed to get about a metric century in before the cars and the wind had me so pissed I threw in the towel.

How did the rest of your guys' ride go?

2011-08-29 00:43:22

It was nice meeting you Sarah, and the rest of you. It was a good ride. I probably would have done that extra 30 mile option too if it happened. Here is my Garmin thing:

2011-08-29 00:58:09