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Egged in Oakland

Anyone ever been egged in Oakland by a beige/off-white SUV? Two of my friends recently were while cycling, both on separate weekend evenings.

In the first case, they missed my friend and egged the road instead. I was there and didn't even notice until he said something and pointed at the egg. In the second case (this past Friday), they shouted at him damn cyclist to get off the road and successfully hit him. He tried to catch up and get the plate number, but they peeled off when they saw him approaching.

Both happened near Bates and Atwood.

My point I guess is: be in the lookout in that area, especially late on weekend evenings. Thought y'all might appreciate a warning.

2010-10-04 13:18:14

yay. college.

2010-10-04 14:24:29

about 2 years ago, there were college kids throwing eggs down to neville st from the forbes ave bridge overhead.


2010-10-04 14:43:45

This past winter I was walking my dog down Walnut street. Some kids were doing laps in their car throwing snowballs at pedestrians on the sidewalk. After the third time I saw them come down the street I asked a stranger to hold my dog's leash. They asked why, I said it would only be for a second (I did not have time to explain why at the moment). I turned around and the car was coming back for a 4th lap. I stepped up to the curb and waived my arm like I was hailing a taxi cab. The idiots pulled up and stopped right there. I reached down and grabbed the biggest arm load of icy salty road side nastyness and threw it inside the car. It covered the whole dashboard and both the driver and passenger. They screamed and hit the gas and sped away. I turned to the strangers who were holding my dog and said thank you. They were laughing their ass' off. I hung out for another 10 min to see if they would come back, I never saw them again.

2010-10-04 14:55:23

you are my hero.

2010-10-04 15:04:40

This. Is. SPAR...I mean, awesome!

2010-10-04 15:05:32

Awesome, Jason.

We discussed the possibility of an egg bandolier. I'm generally not much for retaliation, but it's just too cool not to do. Then again, to make it worthwhile, we'd pretty much have to cruise around Friday/Saturday evening wearing clothes that we don't care if they get eggy.

P.S. Erok, I really like the word jags. Never seen it without the -off part.

2010-10-04 15:36:04

alnilam, that sound like it might be a good time.

2010-10-04 15:49:51

Only if you put "eggman" on repeat while cruising around with your ovumoliers on.

2010-10-04 16:15:51

Now I no longer need to worry about which song will be blasting in my head the rest of the day.

2010-10-04 16:36:12

2010-10-04 17:10:12

The Walrus was Paul...

2010-10-04 18:48:26

Not in Oakland, but I have been harassed by kids in a off-white SUV on Butler between the highland park bridge and the beige for route 8 a few weeks ago. There was a kid out the back window shouting anf trying to startled while a kid on the front passenger seat filmed it.

2010-10-04 19:24:55

There was a kid out the back window shouting anf trying to startled while a kid on the front passenger seat filmed it.


While I'm certainly no fan of harassing other road users, I do hope that asshats who choose to do so continue the trend of filming themselves in the's amazing what lovely evidence such videos can provide in court. Especially as regards, say, premeditation and reckless disregard...

2010-10-04 19:31:18

I bet they post to youtube and/or facebook.

edited to clarify - because true idiots seem to be unable to resist the urge to broadcast their idiocy for all to see.

2010-10-04 20:34:53

Bully culture meets the lure of possible Reality Show stardom.

2010-10-05 01:18:47

there have been paintball incidents like this in east liberty/highland park. but not for a few months now.

2010-10-05 17:29:11

I got egged last night (Wed. Oct. 20) at around 9:30PM. I had just turned off Millvale onto Morewood Ave in Bloomfield. A dark SUV passed me on the left as I was heading west on Morewood towards Enfield. The SUV didn't pass fast or aggressively, but as the SUV passed, a young caucasian male in the rear passenger side window yelled "F*ck You!" and hurled the avian ova in my general direction. It hit me on the left arm. It felt like a hacky sack, and I didn't realize it was an egg until I returned to the scene later and saw the broken egg on the ground. The SUV sped up and left the scene before I thought to get the plate number. No damage done. Om-letting them get away with this one, but next time I'll be taking their plate number as they drive away in a cloud of egg-saust!

- Ken

2010-10-21 18:14:55

who drives around with eggs in their car, ready to throw? seriously? What's that checklist look like? 1) tire pressure - check, 2) dipstick -check, 3) windshield fluid - check, 4) free-range, organic, unfertilized projectile - check.

food like the weather man I could understand, it was already in hand for other purposes. But raw eggs indicates malice of forethought. They must be totally cracked, this is beyond normal yolking around.

2010-10-21 18:23:35


I love it.

2010-10-21 20:50:38

I think I'm having an allergic reaction to all these puns

2010-10-21 21:49:33

one time i was riding across the bridge on milvale and this kid (about 10 years old) chucked a snowball at me and missed. i thought it'd be funny to try and scare him, so i turned around and tried to intimidate him. i then picked up a snowball and threw at him---and missed. biggest fail ever.

2010-10-21 23:45:16