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Fatguy interviews Pbeaver

Hey guys I interviewed Paul Beaver about Pedal for the Pantry for my Blog. it is a longer piece so read the whole thing over at the blog
2013-03-26 18:32:00
Nice! I know I don't stand a chance of winning the thing -- I'm not a fast cyclist -- I'm still going to show up, go for a ride, buy stuff, and donate it. If nothing else, it will be practice in carrying a small load of stuff on a bicycle, which demonstrates to everyone else that, yes, it can be done.
2013-03-26 20:07:39
Cool write-up. Unf. 4/6 is my wife's birthday so there will be no possibility of enjoying the day.
2013-03-26 20:21:15
^ Hahaa - I'm sure your wife will enjoy hearing that ^
2013-03-26 20:22:46
@edmonds. Bring the Yorkie on the ride and have the wife meet us at OTB. The dogs happy, your happy, and the wife is.... ok, so I'll see you some other day then.
2013-03-26 21:03:52
Cool interview. There is one question I wished you asked: Given that it is a race through an urban area, how will the laws of the road apply to the race? I typically feel uncomfortable running lights and signs. I imagine that would put me at pretty serious disadvantage in a race like this. I know it is for a good cause, but I tend to be competitive by nature.
2013-03-26 21:48:16
my 2 cents... I wanted the ride open to everyone, so that's why i made a second route, Same event, two rides. (if i had a clue what i was really doing, i would have limited the heck out of this.) But since I am the eternal optimist, I added the "raffle" aspect, so that anyone who rides & contributes has a chance at the prizes. (my interaction with Flock of Cycles helped shape this portion of the event.) Do not be discouraged that if you are not super fast that you have no chance at a prize, everyone is welcome, and everyone can earn a chance to take home goodies. I do not encourage breaking any laws while riding. While my event is modeled after an alleycat "race", P4TP is not your typical alleycat race, it is a Cycling Event. The Challenge ride will be more about geography and luck with choosing supermarket checkout lines than it is about breaking the law.
2013-03-27 00:23:54
@stu - any chance you want to team up and ride together in the "riding not to win" category? If we have a slower group, I can even bring my trailer to carry some bigger/bulkier items.
2013-03-27 09:57:19
@brybot I added your question and @pbeaves answer to the post. that was a good question. I wanted to thank you for asking it.
2013-03-27 11:08:28
Nice interview. We've got kid handlers lined up and we're looking forward to it.
2013-03-27 14:24:54
Nice article, Terry! We're doing the challenge ride, but I'm not going to concern myself with speed (there's no point--I'm sloooow. :)) BUT, fun ride + lots of fantastic people + OTB/black & goldsprints at the end AND it helps an organization that's doing good for a lot of people? What's not to love? Can't wait!
2013-03-27 19:07:02