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February Pittsburgh Bike Party (Flock of Cycles)

Friday February 15th at Dippy, meet @5:30 and depart @6:00pm. New route, new destination, even dare I say new and different music. (I will not make the playlist... this time) This ride will be epic and spacial for those of you who are willing to ride in the cold of February. Here is the route --What is a Bike Party?-- A Bike Party is a welcoming, family-friendly, all-inclusive, FREE event consisting of a leisurely-paced bicycle ride (complete with music and mechanical support) and ending with a post-ride party. The group pedals through the city at a slow, welcoming pace appropriate for riders of all ages and capabilities. You get a chance to make new friends, learn new routes, and have fun on your bike!
2013-02-03 21:40:28
Whoohoo, fun fun fun!
2013-02-03 22:02:23
Are you guys coming to this? Someone else is doing the music this time, I'm sure you all will miss my playlist. Don't let the cold weather discourage you, if you look at the route we have a fun destination planned.
2013-02-07 21:43:59
will I need money when I get there? the answer to this question directly affects the amount I spend on groceries today.
2013-02-08 08:33:11
@Erica Spending money is not required. I don't know if I am spending any money when I get there, depending on if I get a chance to eat before the ride. Coming to just hang out and letting us enjoy your company is the only requirement
2013-02-08 08:39:44
Bump...... Are you all coming?
2013-02-14 13:49:10
I'll be there for the start, but I have to go call a contra dance at 8.
2013-02-14 13:57:56
I've been sick this week, but I'm still hoping to make it!
2013-02-14 21:32:07
2013-02-14 21:43:02
i was going to go, but threw out my back lifting a stereo bike trailer up 3 flights of stairs because theres no garage for my apartment.
2013-02-14 22:04:00
I'll be there as well as two friends from Irwin.
2013-02-14 22:21:06
@pbeaves we owe you big time
2013-02-15 05:41:53
I'm fighting a death cough, but if I'm alive at 5:30 I'm in. First time in months. Stoked. No Ke$ha, though? Disappointing.
2013-02-15 12:16:12
@izod: Definatley no Ke$ha, but i can firmly state that most of the riders will not have heard 85 / 90% of the music before. @ Mr.Marv: no worries, that's what being part of a group is all about, pitching in when needed.
2013-02-15 14:37:00
@pbeaves, No Ke$ha? How can it be a Flock ride without Ke$ha. I hope the Spice Girls can make it in her place.
2013-02-15 14:50:52
Ke$ha really has talent. It's too bad she keeps trying to sing, though.
2013-02-15 14:59:12
I may be able to throw a lil SG into the mix.
2013-02-15 15:42:25
@pbeaves then you will be heckled like me
2013-02-15 15:44:56
out. I only JUST got home from work, and considering I have laundry to do, I have to be back on the clock at 4am, and I don't have money for the end, I'm just gonna back out again. (My hip hurts! I'm in the middle of cooking a turkey! I have warranty cards to fill out! I am not just making excuses!)
2013-02-15 16:29:00
Hey! That was seriously fun. A lot of people out turned out and made it into a real ride. People on the sidewalks were into it. Propaganda by the deed! At the same time: well organized marshaling. The last night-time winter ride I did was a couple of years ago, and it was maybe two of us plus Nick. And no music. (Though we did get to bomb down Negley hill to 5th.) [And special thanks to Mikhail for showing me a new way to get to the 16th St Bridge.]
2013-02-15 22:55:52
^ Love the inside-bottom-lit toilet! hahaa
2013-02-16 16:56:59
Hey, didn't anyone notice I wasn't on the ride? I guess Pbeaves music was so good no one missed me. I really miss all of you.
2013-02-16 19:00:33
yup, sorry mr Marv, but some would say you've been replaced. (not me, but some. ;) )
2013-02-16 22:26:36
I was 35 minutes late and caught the group around Console Energy Center. Next time we ride we need something like this PS Ahlir, you are welcome. :)
2013-02-16 22:40:07