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Feeling Grinch-ish?

Here's a way to feel good about something you are already doing. Clif Bars will donate $1 to the League of American Bicyclists for every mile logged by a bicyclist (up to $10,000).

An easy challenge, to be sure. But, you are riding anyway. Why not have your miles count towards something positive, like more bike education and more bike advocacy?

Here are the details:

.....You already bike to work or ride to the store. Why not use those trips to help the League win a $10,000 grant?

Many of you were among the 30,000 bicyclists who saddled up for the National Bike Challenge this summer and, thanks to CLIF Bar, we’ve all got a new Challenge to keep our wheels turning next month! CLIF Bar has chosen the League of American Bicyclists to be the beneficiary of the 2 Mile Challenge for December — and we need your pedal power to get us to that $10,000 grant.

The 2 Mile Challenge is CLIF Bar’s online effort to fight climate change by encouraging bicycle travel for short trips. In the U.S., 40 percent of all urban trips are two miles or less, but 90 percent of those short distances are made by automobile. Supporting a number of League member organizations — like the East Bay Bicycle Coalition in November — this initiative has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to bike advocacy over the past several years.

That sure makes your CLIF Bar taste a little bit sweeter, huh?

Plus, participating in the 2 Mile Challenge couldn’t be easier — or more fun. You simply sign up and log each time you take a trip by bicycle. Ride to work? That’s a trip. Pedal to a meeting or lunch with friends? That’s two trips (well, assuming you go back to the office)! All we need is 5,000 trips to earn $10,000 for our programming in 2013.

Registration link is at

2012-11-30 21:08:32

Signed up but I still have two questions.

1) It looks like all manual entry. Are there any smartphone apps hooked up to this? I had a hard time finding one listed that wasn't iphone only.

2) Do trips over 2 miles count, too?

2012-12-01 17:39:01

[nevermind. apparently too tired to read.]

2012-12-01 19:28:15

Registered and logged! I love the graphic they use above the "RIDE" thing on the front page. Just some generic average person with a step thru cruiser bike, not a hunched over dropped bar warrior. Props.

2012-12-03 12:51:47

I'm missing something.

How does this help me be a grinch?

2012-12-03 16:30:23

You know, this is making my Cliff Bar taste a bit more bitter

Rather than making us go through hoops to track our cycling and then reporting the data to Cliff, why not just give the LoAB $10k and save us the trouble?

That any better Mick?

2012-12-03 16:51:30

@mick, my intent was to provide a balance, in the event that anyone was feeling grinchish, by logging miles that you are probably riding anyway, if you read this message board.

But, I agree with Pierce. Why not just give them the 10K and save the trouble of logging miles? Since I have no answer to that question, I'll log my paltry few miles in support of a good cause.

2012-12-03 17:32:32

@pierce, please note that Clif bar is giving away $10K per month. This month the beneficiary is L.A.B.

I hope that took some of the new bitterness out of your Clif Bar.

2012-12-03 17:33:55

A, I should go buy a couple of Clif bars.

B, it's a PITA to enter my mileage twice, as I'm already (still) doing that on the Endomondo site.

C, can't these guys get in some sort of partnership with the Endomondo people so we can log both at once?

2012-12-03 17:48:33

I think they must be doing it to drive traffic to their site, so, no, no partnership w/Endomondo.

2012-12-03 17:52:40

^plus they want your email so they can send you "offers"

2012-12-03 19:28:55

...and because we are all talking about Clif bars on here. If they just gave $10k there would be an annonymous blurb somewhere that would be fleeting versus this word of mouth buzz (albeit small). This is worth more to them.

2012-12-04 12:59:57

their logger is also crap. it only shows up as the day you enter, so for those of us who are especially, ah, committed to the accuracy of our records, shall we say, it is rather painful to try to enter data a day or two later and have everything show up on the day entered instead of the day ridden.

and no, you can't change the date on a record you enter. i give up.

2012-12-05 23:48:54

I gave up last week for the same reasons.

2012-12-06 18:53:36

Ditto, really. After getting to know and like the original bike-mileage calculator we had in place for 2011 and a month or so of 2012, then the Endomondo site for most of another year, I found that the Clif thing was just too dense (can't think of a better word) to figure out.

Never mind, I'll just go out and buy a bar or two and call it a day.

2012-12-07 05:29:09

Yup. Bailed on this. I'm too lazy to work that hard to log miles.

2012-12-09 12:14:17