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From REI into Duquesne or Sandcastle.

Is the rail trail route complete, as I'm planning on heading that way after work. Thanks
2008-07-16 09:32:55

Besides that, there should be a sign of some sort at Rivertech: "Beyond this point you cannot exit trail". Pardon my stupidity, but I thought you might be able to get to Becks Run Rd. Nope, one side is a river, the other is a fence, a parked train, or both, all the way out. Then you turn around and come back, if you don't know any better. I guess if you're having a picnic along there, fine, but the thing doesn't -go- anywhere. (yet, I realize)

2009-07-06 01:58:06

There should be a sign because taht is the last official exit.

There is a gate in the fence close to Becks Run. If there aren't cars sitting or even moving on the tracks, then it's easy to go though to Becks.

I go to the end, then go over the track and the guard rail to get on Carson about 100 yards from the Glenwood Bridge. I guess there are other options by following the support road for the tracks, but no official exit around there.

All-in-all, then end of the trail is like the old-school "recreation only" rail trails.

A simlar situation happens with teh trail beteen Hazelwood and Duck Hollow - the Hazelwood end is an illegal entrance, but close enough to the road that is easy to get to.


2009-07-06 15:22:35

I figured there must be a way to get to Becks Run Rd since that's a major street up into Carrick. I didn't see the gate, so I guess my biggest complaint is signage.

I'd hate to have to try to cross those tracks with a parked train, though. It's bad enough trying to cross live tracks. I once did drag my bike under a parked train (btwn 62StBr and Millvale). It's scary, and damn difficult, too.

All told, for a first-time user, I felt like being on the Turnpike between Bedford and Breezewood, 40+ miles between exits, only with no signs and a U-turn at the end.

2009-07-06 23:50:57

Yeah, signage would be good.

The first time I encountered this, I came down Becks in the middle of the night, just confident there had to be an entrance to the trail...

I didn't find the gate, then.


2009-07-07 01:39:46

Stu--to exit the trail, you need to bring your bike-raft or cyclo-boat. The guy with the car bumper on his bike can probably help you get set up with it! :-)

2009-07-10 03:47:39