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Funny coincidence at Hothouse bike valet...

I went to pick up my bike at the Hothouse bike valet Saturday night (8/29, around 10:30pm), and presented my #35 stub to the volunteer. We looked for a while, but when she found a bike with a #35 tag, it turned out not to be on my bike; it was on *her* bike! My bike ended up being tagged with #36, and she ended up having a #36 stub.

So, whoever wrote out the numbers somehow wrote one ticket with #35 as the stub and #36 as the tag, and another ticket with #36 as the stub and #35 as the tag, and it just happened that the owner of this matching ticket ended up being the person charged with helping me find my bike :)

We all thought it was a pretty cool coincidence at the time, but then I rode away into the night and that was that...

...But now I wish I had exchanged email addresses with her, since it was such a surreal little experience we shared, and sometimes it's fun to follow up on such things.

She introduced herself as "Steffie" (I'm guessing the spelling, but that's how it sounded), so if any of you know her or how to reach her, could you please direct her to this post and tell her I'd like to hear from her? My email address is my forum username with "" stuck to the end.

Thanks a bunch, and great job with the new map and commuting booklet!


2009-08-31 04:34:24

bike valet. the new eharmony.

2009-08-31 06:59:27

post a missed connection on craigslist

2009-08-31 13:34:52

I already saw this on Craigslist in my usual searched for bike related stuff. Awesome to see it pop up here. This is a pretty killer first post.

If I remember right, this isn't the first time the Bike Valet has come up in missed connections posts.

2009-08-31 13:40:56

All we need now is a bikesnobpgh to comment upon the CL post and the circle will be complete

2009-08-31 14:25:22

kevinoc42, for the rest of your time on the bike pgh message boards you shall be known as "missed opportunity." :)

2009-08-31 15:12:52

Thanks for all your comments, folks.

Seriously though, if anyone happens to know her or of her, I'd really appreciate it if you'd let her know that I thought it would be nice to stay in touch.

2009-09-01 03:07:19