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i like the new look

but it doesn't display right for me on firefox.

2009-04-20 18:45:29

Ditto for me.

Firefox 3.08, got some erratic layouts, which sometimes display correctly, sometimes don't. No rhyme or reason I can see.

IE7, on cursory inspection, looks pretty good, but the drop-down menus under the banner are failing to, well, drop down.

2009-04-20 19:08:08

Drop downs don't drop for me, but I like the clean lines of the new layout.

2009-04-20 19:59:50

Drop downs work fine for me in Firefox on OSX.

I could live without seeing Rob L's mug every time I load the page, but hey... I KID I KID.

2009-04-20 20:03:23

give it a minute. it's not done yet.

that's why some links (like the UV banner ad) and stuff don't work

2009-04-20 21:30:03

I noticed that too, but figured I'd give you some time to figure it out before complaining.

2009-04-20 22:29:08

I like it. Clean, wording stands out, good coloring. Well done...

2009-04-20 23:58:04

i like the new look. and it now works fine.

2009-04-21 00:20:58

Hey wow, I can see what I'm highlighting! Yay!

Drop-downs work fine for me in Firefox 3.0.8. Even the right-click-to-open-a-new-tab feature works.

Odd, though, that not all the unread threads came up in a different color, only those that I'd never opened. I was expecting all unread posts to come up in that color.

2009-04-21 00:44:47

Drop-downs work fine for me in Firefox 3.0.8. Even the right-click-to-open-a-new-tab feature works.

in case you don't already know: one need never right click to open in a new tab. middle click does the same thing, and if you're on a laptop or have a mouse without a middle button (please tell me you don't!), or just don't like middle clicking, control click will open in a new tab. quicker and easier than searching the menu every time!

2009-04-21 02:17:59

be sure to follow us on twitter and facebook now. just other ways to keep up to date with our action alerts and news. we won't bombard you.

2009-04-21 19:07:38