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Icycle Bicycle 2018

Yes, it's that time again! A message from Jim Logan:
Ride notes for Icycle Bicycle 2018: 1) We will leave on time at 11 AM. Be prepared or be left behind. It is cold. 2) Voluntary $5 donation to Community Human Services Food Bank. 3) This is a great year for a picture. If you want to be in in the picture be ready at 10:55 AM. We could use a voluntary photographer to take picture and post to Facebook. 4) Feel free to join groups of cyclists going to Hoffbrauhaus afterwards for beer and lunch. 5) We are all adults. Know your own limits. Turn back if you are uncomfortable. Ask those around you for help if you need it. 6) We'll avoid the Jail trail if it hasn't been cleared. 7). The route in words is: Ride to the West End Bridge. Bear right at the end and pass the stadiums. Get on River Road to 31st St Bridge. Cross the Bridge. Ride Penn Ave and then bike lane to the end downtown. Cross downtown and head either toward the Jail Trail (if clear) or Smithfield St Bridge. Return to start. 8) Ride as groups. Don't get too hung up on the exact route. 9) Dress for worst case rather than best case. A good day to be a bit over-dressed and go slow rather than under-dressed and fast. 10) Yes, you can wear long underwear under bike clothes.
I'm coming from the east, down 5th and crossing the B'ham Br. Coming from the west should be easy. I expect that the trails will not be clear (why is that?).
2017-12-31 16:28:59
It was a good ride.  Thanks to WPW and REI for organizing and supporting.  Roughly 2-3 dozen hardy riders, by my estimate.
2018-01-04 19:03:06
It was a great ride. A chance to get out on an otherwise lazy day, and meet up with a bunch of cool (cold?) hard-core cyclists. Maybe hardy. Long underwear and wool socks made it work for me. And don't forget that having the sun out most of the time made it, on the whole, a pretty bearable ride ... This is speaking as a commuter: At this time of year we bike home in worse weather. In the dark. With cranky drivers on our butts.
2018-01-04 20:10:02