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I'm looking for a quill stem with a 26mm clamp

Scored a free pair of nice drops but they're 26mm, my current stem is 25.4 Looking for a gooseneck quill stem, 22.2mm diameter for a 1" fork, with a 26mm clamp for the bars. New for $20 from Jerry but I'd like to spend less than that. My frugal ass hates to turn free items into costly ones.

2010-11-08 22:23:15

20 for a stem really isn't that much... i remember before origin8 sold their quill stems and it was either a crappy hybrid stem or $60 nittos...

2010-11-09 16:05:44

no such thing as a free bike

2010-11-09 18:08:53

yeah, $20's a good deal.

if you want bling, I have an NOS Cinelli XA in 26.4 but work well with 26.0 - I think I paid $60 for it new. I'd need at least $40 out of it.

2010-11-10 17:51:01

Why not just file out the opening on your old stem a little? I did it on my bike and haven't had any problems in the year it's been set up like that. Filing off .3mm the whole way around isnt hard at all and only takes a few minutes.

2010-11-10 18:00:20

okay okay i'll go buy the damn thing

re: filing, i'd say if there's one place whose integrity i don't want to screw with, it's the stem & handlebars...

2010-11-10 22:42:37

You really think it will adversely affect the integrity of the stem? .3mm is a teeny tiny bit. Its probably the same as buying a new one, considering they probably don't make ones with 26mm clamps .3mm thicker to compensate. But you may do as you wish.

2010-11-11 13:55:02

well there's that but even more importantly i don't think it's possible to hand file it down evenly enough so that the clamp's inner surface is making optimal contact with the handlebar surface...

2010-11-11 21:36:37

which in turn may compromise the handlebar itself...

2010-11-11 21:44:55


2010-11-11 22:18:39

Maybe if you did a REALLY bad job of filing it. If you took a little care and filed as evenly as you could (even if you couldn't do it extremely evenly) I can pretty much guarantee you it would be perfectly fine. Heck, I'll even do it for you cause now I'm feeling like bringing light to the non-believers.

2010-11-15 04:17:38

moot. i bought a new one.

2010-11-15 12:52:16

yeah. i wouldn't.

2010-11-16 01:53:19

I like to live dangerously. was that actually caused by filing out the stem though? I really, really doubt that filing a hole a tiny bit bigger will cause a crack.

2010-11-17 01:10:38

I absolutely guarantee that filing a hole a bit bigger can cause a crack.

2010-11-17 02:21:22