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As I look out my window I am trying to figure out how to commute in a lightning storm. I tried to wait it out but its not going to end. How do you guys commute in lightning. Do you park the bike or just go for it and hope for the best. I might have to go for it and ride the fastest 10 miles of my life.

2011-08-25 10:16:20

It will end. I don't think riding in lightning is a great idea and I don't do it if i can help it. Can you take the bus?

2011-08-25 10:31:54

Yeah, I really dislike getting caught out in a bad storm with lightning. If I can, I usually adjust my commuting schedule so I can avoid the storm.

2011-08-25 10:59:33

I drove my car to work for once... A nice reminder that biking kicks ass for many reasons. Took me, coincidentally, just as long to drive in with all the morons out.

2011-08-25 11:10:27

I've never been concerned with lightning itself. The odds of being struck by lightning while biking are inconsequential. Any concern I do have is with the pouring rain and limited visibility because of that.

2011-08-25 11:11:56

Nothing really to add to your question but this mornings storm was AWESOME. Reminded me of the storms back home...

2011-08-25 12:16:28

Awesome storm indeed.

I knock on wood while I say that in a city, near buildings, I don't think lightning is terribly likely to strike a little person on a bike. So if I do it, I usually avoid routes through parks, etc. That's also good because if it starts doing something really silly, like dropping quarter-sized hail, you are close to buildings/porches for emergency cover.

2011-08-25 12:35:01

The ride ended up being uneventful. I guess I'm a little nervous about lightning because on Aug 19th while Mrs. Marvelous and I were out riding lightning stuck twice near us. Once it hit a telephone pole 20 feet away from us then later it hit the roof of the canopy we were under for shelter from the storm. But if you remember that was an extreme day. A small part of the jail trail was flooded ankle deep this early today.

2011-08-25 15:13:50

42 Americans died from lightning strikes last year.

36,000 died in car accidents.

The main risk of riding in an electrical storm is that a car might hit you.

2011-08-25 15:28:28

I just had a short ride today from SSide to downtown, and the braking of the caliper brakes on the steel rims of my Raleigh folder was kind of like a casual conversation:

Bike, I was thinking about stopping sometime today.

Really sir?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I am squeezing the brake levers now. Do you suppose there is anything you could do about that?

Oh, my, I'm sorry, I hadn't noticed, I'll get right on it and see what I can do.





Yes, sir, working on it. So you still want to stop, then?

Well, no, we're there. My shoe took care of it.

2011-08-25 16:09:24

I'm surprised no one commented on our bikefest imagery this year. somehow there was actually very little lightning during bikefest

2011-08-25 17:11:33

@ erok well that explains all the lightning on the 19th. Next year how but putting the sun on it.

2011-08-25 17:36:46

xkcd on lightning

2011-08-25 17:50:45

^ like!

2011-08-25 17:57:26

serious +1 on a side note, I got caught in the rain this morning and got caught in the rain on friday, I just noticed I was wearing the same t-shirt. I think im not wearing this shirt anymore.

2011-08-25 19:21:56

I'm surprised no one commented on our bikefest imagery this year.

I noticed... :)

2011-08-25 19:58:10

+1 Bill

I enjoyed the lightening the day people died on Washington Blvd, but my brakes were horrible.

Tightening them up and switching to alloy rims helped

2011-08-25 20:32:56

I do the same thing I do when there's no lightning, just keep pedaling just go a little slower and take corners a little less tight.

I ride my brakes a little bit to keep excess water on my rims when I anticipate a stop. I usually ride fixed, so I can always skid as well.

I worry more about submerged potholes and cars than lightning.

2011-08-30 22:13:32