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Looking ahead to fall...commuting on trails after dusk

I'll be attending the Art Institute starting next week and I plan on using the Junction Hollow -> Jail Trail route to get between class and my apartment in Shadyside, but I'm wondering about my safety when DST changes and it's dark by 4pm. I have classes from 8am to 5pm, so I'll be commuting home in the dark or near-dark in just a few months. (And yes, I know it's technically illegal, but based on other threads I've read here, it seems that people don't always follow that.)

I'm a 20-year-old female, for reference. I'll be buying a headlight and tail light and plenty of reflectors, of course, but I'm more worried about the potential for mugging/rape/harrassment/what-have-you on the trail after dark. I'm thinking that 5pm isn't a terribly "dangerous" time of day and that anything bad would happen in the much later hours of the night, but I'm looking for input. What does everyone think? Ride on the trail in the dark, or stick to the roads?

2009-08-12 18:13:49

There is another thread about this very subject. I can't speak for you as a female but I have ridden through there at night and have never had an issue. It is a little creepy though.

2009-08-12 18:16:41

There is? I must have missed it. If anyone has a link I'll just go there and delete this one.

2009-08-12 18:41:59

After it gets cold gender often becomes an unrecognizable issue. I have ridden through Panther Hollow to downtown nearly every work day (Sun-Th for me) and rarely see many pedestrians along the route. During commute time there are often cyclists and runners. I never thought it "creepy"- and if it is overcast with snow on the ground, reflection keeps it pretty well lit for not having lights. I sometimes hear owls up in Schenley Park in late winter.

2009-08-12 19:04:46

There are a bunch of people who do a commute something like that, you could probably synch up with some of them, or ride circles at the trailhead until someone happens along. As for me, I rarely leave work by 5pm so can't volunteer.

Frankly, it seems like a lousy place to lurk waiting to assault someone, unless you want to steal a bike. In which case, you probably want to steal a bike that's about your size. And the colder it gets, the worse the idea sounds... I'd rather mug someone where it's nice and warm.

I mean, not that I -- oh, never mind.

2009-08-12 19:46:31

I've commuted regularly this way for several years now. Truthfully, if you're hitting Junction by 5:15 or so, it's only dark for a few weeks, if that.

Lyle's idea of riding in a bunch is a great idea. I have a pretty reliable schedule (leave the office in the South Side by 5:00), so I'd be glad to join up.

2009-08-13 02:22:12

Even without syncing up, the trail is hardly deserted from 5 to 6. It would be difficult time and place to commit crime.


2009-08-13 03:16:27

Thanks guys, these were the kinds of answers I was hoping for. I assumed that the trail would be at least somewhat populated around that time since that's quittin' time for a lot of folks, but I just wanted to check. I'm definitely up for a group ride if anyone else is seriously interested. Perhaps we could meet behind the PNC building around 5-5:30, and head out from there?

2009-08-13 04:54:42

It's more fun solo.

2009-08-13 13:54:14

I had posted a similar question in regard to the Jail Trail -> The Run -> PH when I was riding back from Mercy Hospital to Squirrel Hill at 1am. I was warned about the wrestlers on the Jail Trail.

In the month of commuting at that hour, I passed maybe one or two other people on the jail trail, both of which were on bikes.

During the hours that you will be riding, you will pass many more commuters. I would not be concerned at all.

2009-08-13 16:54:07

I roll through there in your direction at around 4:15-4:30PM, lots of cycling/ped/rollerblader traffic up until the Bates pull off. Don't know about further up.

2009-08-13 16:59:24

I've ridden that trail at all hours and never felt concerned.

2009-08-15 04:05:06